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Sprayed or grit weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by threetimeskrazy, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Does this look contaminated? Zoom 4x microscope.

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  2. No man you're being paranoid. That being said, I can't tell jack shit from a photo.
  3. Can't tell from that photo. It's most likely fine. I hear rubbing a bud on a cd will tell you if it's grit weed. (will scratch) And if it's sprayed it'll taste like shit/have very black ashes. What would make you suspect it's been tampered with? 
  4. Smoke it to the face and find out. If it tastes like every chemical you keep under your sink, its probably sprayed

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  5. Its really hard and sticky..the crystals on it look did scratch the cd but so did some weed i know isnt contaminated.

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  6. I'd smoke it

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  7. nibble a piece of it to see if it crunches between your teeth
  8. Uhh, regular weed shouldn't scratch the back of a CD...
    every weed ive ever had has black ashes
  10. smoke that shit
  11. Yeah but I mean like really really black. There's black in every bowl I cash of course but there's just as much grey/white as well. Then again that also kind of depends on how thoroughly you smoke it too.
    i go hard as fuck nigga so idk
  13. I bet it's laced... With thc
  14. Smoke it from a water pipe/hookah/bong and you should be fine.
  15. ^this.

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  16. Chew some and if its grainy-gritty yeah its sprayed.. i had some contam not long ago and i could feel something extremelly sticky on my front teeth after chewing and bits stuck too my tooth. I just put it in a bong as it was my first bag after years and i never gave a fuck.. needless to say i stopped buying it from the guy afterwards though... also does it smell very strong? the stuff i had also had barely no smell and a nasty taste but got me stoned lol
  17. You're good.
  18. It looks all mildewy b shit to me man

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  19. I had non contaminated weed scratch cds I think it has more to do with how the bud was cut cured if there's little stems or what not scratching across the CD but that's just my guess. I mean sure contaminated weed would scratch the he'll out of it.

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