Spotted Leaves Twisted

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by phoenixcrash, May 31, 2014.

  1. #1 phoenixcrash, May 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2014
    Ok. So, got an outdoor grow going at the moment. All plants are Haze x Skunk. I'm having brown blotches on almost every plant, and some leaves feeling dry and twisting to the left or right. But, first, the rundown on the grow details:
    HxS seeds
    Plants are 37 days from seed. Now around 8-9" tall.
    pH is around 6.8 (according to cheap soil pH meter)
    The soil mix:
    Harvest Organic Potting Mix
    Sphagnum Peat Moss
    Bone Meal
    Blood Meal
    Worm Castings
    Crushed Dolomite Lime
    The plants had to be transplanted from solo cups to 3-gallon pots early, because of severe over-watering.
    All plants recieve 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Temps have been high (90-94F).
    I don't think this is an over-watering problem, as I cut back on the high quality h2O.
    Now, there are lots of brown blotches forming on the lower (older) leaves and working their way up to the newer leaves.
    Spots 1.jpg
    Spots 2.jpg
    Spots 3.jpg
    3-4 of the plants have leaves at the top that feel dry and curve to the left or right.
    Twisted 1.jpg
    Twisted 2.jpg
    Please help asap. I've checked all plant problem solvers and have found nothing. Please view the pics in the attached files and let me know what you think.

  2. The soil mix:

    Harvest Organic Potting Mix  ...Great

    Sphagnum Peat Moss AVOID will hold water and nutes lead to nute burn

    Bone Meal: AVOID sticks like shit mix some with water, can over calcify the soil

    Blood Meal AVOID: way to hot I use this to kill weeds, but use in a foilar spray for instant no burn food, will attract flies and rats

    Worm Castings: GREAT in a pillow case in a bath as a tea, or in the soil, but breaks down quick, and very easy to over do!

    Perlite: Never enough 30 - 50% per volume of pot avoids compaction and nute burn by dilution 

    Crushed Dolomite Lime: AVOID this WILL over calcify the soil, water is your best source of calcium
    Pre mix you soil without the hurtful additives potup to 4-5 us gallon pot, sorry no flush cure the moss stopped that
    Plant bending is photo morphing so give it more light, but shade it midday by having a branch or sheet to avoid the midday sun
    good luck
  3. I was told by a member of another forum to check the pH of the runoff. I used distilled water, which had a pH of 6.7, and the pH of the runoff was 5.6. I tried what some other members said to do, and watered them with 1 tbsp of pulverized Garden Lime (may have been a fuckup though).
    As for what soil mix I will use when transplanting them; Thought I'd go with just the Harvest Organic soil, perlite, and small amounts of worm castings. I will make teas out of bone meal and worm castings, along with some Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) every 3rd or 4th watering during the vegetative state. Then swap out the Fish Fert for some Neptune's Harvest (2-4-1) when flowering begins.
    How's that sound?

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