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SpongeBong Hemp-Pants

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokeybones21, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. so i have heard about this before but it has been a while back and i had forgotten about it, so anyways i just re-discovered it and i am watchin high as hell lol just wonderin if anyone else has seen this lol
  2. [ame=]YouTube - SpongeBong HempPants 1, 2, and 3[/ame]

  3. Spliffward... aahahaah he has a roach clip on his nose xD
  4. Lmao that was good
  5. That was actually pretty funny i lol'd :rolleyes:
  6. Love that shit. Especially the Fish episode.
  7. Yea the show is pretty funny. Episode 1 is best imo, but i have yet to watch #3, 4.
  8. thats some stone age shiznit, lol I have them all on cd (burnt) its pretty fuckin badass spliffward is my fav
  9. im bout to toke up n check this out now....LoL
  10. Sooooo good but so hard to follow when high lol
  11. Lol yeah im baked and i couldnt follow it at all. I didnt even know squidward was a joint with a roach clip till the end LMFAO
  12. #13 BalkanCommie, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    i was tripping once and the whole theme of the night for me was spongebob.

    i began to think and came to the realization that patrick is a massive stoner. i mean he doesnt do shit all day. he lives under a rock, he looks like the "tv" stoner(if you understand what i mean). he eats all the time and hes always chill.

    haha i havent watched this yet but i will watch it as soon as my vape heats up :smoke:

    edit: they look like crackheads instead of stoners lmao
  13. lmao these are hilarious, how many are there???

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