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Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Montana weed, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. I've heard of these and was just wondering if they work and how to make/get one. I have no problem smoking outside but if I ever wanna smoke inside would a sploof allow me to do so? Do they not let smell out or what?
  2. To an extent. Sploofs are for smoking indoors somewhat inconspiciously. They still require some common sense though, open a window, lock and seal the door, spray afterwards. Disadvantages include that they work much better with pipes than joints, since joints burn continiously and you're not inhaling all of the smoke allowing it to 'escape'. However if you think that what you exhale probably takes up atleast 50% of all the smoke it does make a significant difference, and it is then much easier to then try to eliminate the remainder smoke. In my opinion standard sploofs just do not work well enough. Do you think dryer sheets smell more pungent than burning weed? I use a multi-filter sploof whereby the smoke passes through three dryer sheets, a square cut out of a carbon-filter sheet for the cooker hood extractor, and a bit cut off the end of the sock which then had the shit sprayed into it with Axe and Febreze. All duct taped together to an empty carboard tube from the cling film roll cut in two. To test it's effciency I exhaled four tokes through it into my rucksack which was zipped almost completely shut. I then asked my skeptical friend to sniff the remaint deodorized smoke, even he admitted there was no weedy smell left whatsoever.
  3. OP do you use a bong?
  4. They work but you still have to worry about the smoke coming of your joint or pipe.
  5. If you're 12 and have never tried any other vapes and don't mind spending $80-$120 on a "fancy" tin and $15 worth of materials. Extreme Q to get your monies worth. MFLB doesn't even get me high, a joint even gets me higher then one.

  6. No I just smoke dry pipes. Looking to get a bong in the future
  7. [quote name='"Montana weed"']

    No I just smoke dry pipes. Looking to get a bong in the future[/quote]

    If you get a bong and have a sploof, load up a hit in the bong you know you can cash in one hit. Blow it through the sploof and you have no straight weed smoke released into the air
  8. [quote name='"Gryphonics"']
    If you're 12 and have never tried any other vapes and don't mind spending $80-$120 on a "fancy" tin and $15 worth of materials. Extreme Q to get your monies worth. MFLB doesn't even get me high, a joint even gets me higher then one.[/quote]

    I can load 4 - 5 trenches in the MFLB with the same amount of weed as one joint, and I will be wayyyyyyy more blazed off my 4 - 5 trenches. it's all about technique.
  9. I told him to get a MFLB cause he is obviously trying to conceal smell so what i went ahead and did was assume that he probably lives with his parents and cant have a tabletop vape sitting on his nightstand. I actually have a extreme Q in addition to a MFLB. Oh and my MFLB gets me high. ;)

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