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Sploof Question?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Burningblood420, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Is there a limit to how many dryer sheets you should use in a sploof? I used an entire box today because I want it to last awhile. But the smoke barely goes through due to the mass amounts of dryer sheets I used.
  2. You just have to blow harder. :)p)
  3. i make it where its pretty hard to blow through. not too hard that im straining myself. also the amount you need really depends on the sheets. some sheets are very thin and some are thick. the thick ones definitely do a better job imo. when i use the americas choice ones (very thin) i still smell a hint of weed. but with bounce(very thick) theres virtually no weed smell at all
  4. I use a carboard paper towel roll packed with paper towel sheets sprayed with febreeze. They're packed pretty tightly.
  5. Stop wasting time with the dryer sheet ones, they are not nearly as good. Spend a few bucks, buy some carbon pellets put it in an empty drink bottle, poke some holes in.

    An inch of carbon pellets will last about a month.... So like an average side bottle will last for a VERY long time.

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