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Spirituality of smoking

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 311ALIEN, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hello all, I've just been wondering a few things recently. I'm a very regular smoker along with the occasional mushroom use. I've noticed, especially with shrooms, a "spiritual experience" associated with it. But I'm wondering if anyone else gets a feeling that they're connected to something higher while you're high? Like there's obviously something more to this world. Regardless of your belief in God or any higher intelligence. :confused_2:
  2. Yes!=D. Finally someone with highs like me. Thats the main reason why i love smoking. I get such a spiritual experience and deep, deep thinking... It's an amazing experience
    But, the problem is i havent got those highs in atleast a month, and have been trying to ALOT. i'm on my first day of my T-break.
  3. When I take psychedelics like lsd, shrooms, and dmt, I feel a strong connection with the world and how it works. I use the hallucinogens as a sort of tool to peek at the frameworks of the universe around me.
  4. I don't believe in any higher being but I do believe that smoking is my form of spirituality. I definitely feel intensely connected to the world around me on mushrooms but smoking is different. I feel connected to ganja and the people around me. I feel that people cling to religion to have a sort of safety blanket to make them feel like everything is going to be okay. Weed is my safety blanket. :)
  5. i think it helps me connect with the "universal soul"
  6. Yes! Or maybe not necessarily a higher being... But being one with something. Or with everything/everyone :hippie:
  7. I was really religious when I was younger (now 19) but I'm not at all now. But, the most religious thing i've EVER experienced was listening to Matisyahu and just laying in bed blazed...

    By far, the most in touch with any higher being i've ever had.
  8. On lsd, I usually have visuals that I can only describe as some kind of patterns that are structured to create everything in my visual/spiritual existance.

  9. Yea, shrooms... sorta. I heard DMT is pretty intense but people describe it as colors and shapes that form all energy and everything that is.
  10. There is a long history of Cannabis and Religion. Hindus use it as an offering to Shiva:smoking::smoking:
  11. #11 Ergophelix, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    I seriously agree with this. Honestly, pot is spiritual for me because it's my ritual, I can always turn to it and have friends with me, and love around me. The high itself can be psychedelic, so it can be somewhat spiritual, but I get that feeling more on hash. And that sort of spirituality is very mild compared to LSD or something.


  12. A section of my first shroom trip was like this. Everything looked exactly how it would now, except everything was made up of hexagons lol
  13. I'm definitely right there with you man. That's one of the reasons why I enjoy smoking this miracle herb so much.

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