first off sorry this shit is so fucking long you can just skim thru it and point out surten parts lol but i feel really strongly about all of this and i feel i need to share my knowledge with as many people as possible so read on my friends people can see the energy feilds and project energy into others. there has been research done and our world infact is spiritual more that scientific. we are heading toward a new revolution and i feel i have to educate as many people as possible with my ideas. the more people know and believe inilectually, the more these event will take place in our everyday life, giving each individual a personal knowledge on the subject. i also believe that marijuana is a step toward spirituality in the world. i think we have to base our economy on something else in order to get off our path of uncertianty. i believe economic focus grew to fill the gap of our lack of knowledge of ourselves and other things, take science for example, scientist today turn there discoverys into profit, its all about the money, anyone tries to question there ideas and would bring down there logic would decrease the amount of money they are getting for there ideas which causes denial and nothing will be changed for the better because of set ideas...thats why before anything in science can really move on, the old generation has to become extinct and the new generation must be prepared with the new way of thinking. i also came to the conclusion that our universe is just another form of a "plantet" (for lack of a better word) it takes up space of something bigger, its inside something else, some other universe, because of those universal laws, we are just space, outlined with a force of energy. other universes dont just go pouring out into space, going on and on endlessly. then theres also the question again about human expectations. can we change energy into a visual form? since there are differnt forms of energy are human reactions and confrontations forms of change in energy or is it not energy at all? ...and also, biology is the study of life. but we come to see that life is so much more than what we are taught. it is more than our life processes and reactions, its more than why is bio called the study of life when it doesnt cover all aspects, just the under layer that is obvious to the human mind. why dont they make a "spiritual method" the "scientific method" a procedure to show a method of connection with the universal energy? ....what cuts us off from higher levels? how do we know were cut off? how do we feel? what are the causes and effects? i also read a book called many minds, many masters (i thnk) and its a true story about a phycologist using hypnosis on this woman and she was able to look at past lives and see her lessons, she was in the state of mind i said could infact be reality, she was able to connect with higher spirits, which told her the lessons she had learned..people can do these things , its slowly becoming exepted. theres no end to human potential. wait. if there is more to life than biology covers, if biology is the study of life and life is energy and energy controls life, wouldnt all energy be life in itseld...( as a whole is a living thing, something controls the earth, rather than the earth controls something, needs energy but energy doesnt need life so if the earth is alive then earth=? since life needs energy in all other living things, what is the energy that controls the earth to be living, i mean it has all the charactoristics of life, its more than an ecosystem. its some sort of universal energy....and evolution will occur when a whole critical mass connects with whatever this energy is....wait...what is the source of energy? what gives energy energy? there has to be some sort of god or something. .... this may sound strange but whatever i see when i look at something, anything most of the time (outdoors mainly) i see floating energy. i see there transparent lines floating and there all parrallel and contain a bizzilion little microscopic dots that compose them. when i was looking at the sky the other day it looked as if i was looking threw a microscope. exactly like i was looking at a cell. it was astonishing. i cant describe it but how i wish i could. ....ok back to human intention... my theory is that with the best intentions, holding the ideas affect what will happen better than speaking of that opinion. intentions flows best thru thought...expecially when we have the personal knowledge for it to work best. the bubble of space and time thing can be explained..sort of..ill try... we intruit into other dimentions when we look around at other forms in the universe we no longer see them as a solid matter but a field of energy and light all interacting and influencing each not sure what role matter plays, im not sure yet....hey, where attention goes, energy flows. last thing...everything we think of develops subconciously over night...they just come into affect when we are awake and can grasp each thing conciously.
I agree with what you've written....nice piece...although you might wanna try paragraphing so ppl will not skimp through... Yes, it's damn sad that we live in a society dictated by Capitalism, turning people against people at every chance they get....The only thing that can solve the on-going issues that subcultures have is to overthrow the system of Capitalism which I doubt will ever ever happen.... A human beings' wants are unlimited......these coporate companies are tapping into the 5 senses and striving to satisfy them 24/7-365 days short, we are what they make us to look and act..... Spirituality has always coincide within every living thing, there's a sense of life that enables us to sink into that other side of subconsciousness besides dreaming.... In the end, it's all an endless wave of discovering...