How spiritual do you think you are? On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, representing how spiritual you think you are. Also, explain your spiritual outlook if you want, experiences or anything. And your philosophy, what is your philosophy about anything, life, attitude, this forum, people, whatever you feel could be useful insight for people. Write what's on your mind, speak from the heart, be self-expressive, let each word give the idea power and meaning.
Like a 6. I think about karma and stuff everyday though. My philosophy on spirituality is to take what I find valuable from any sources like various religions, new age-type readings on the internet, personal experience, and weird concepts I think of while high. Some of my beliefs are re-incarnation, karma, worship of the sun/moon/planets, and no heaven or hell, just the beyond. Just to name a few.
very spiritual like 8-9 but i try to balance that with day to day life so i am not too out of touch with things for my philosophy i try to be simple detached , but never be shy to discussing things and to enjoy life for what it is and be nice to whoever you meet as much as you can
^ Lulz I'm 1/10 spiritual - I don't believe in the supernatural so I don't think I can be. Albert Camus' Absurdism probably relates best to my philosophical ideas. People search for some inherent meaning in life, when there really isn't one. The search either forces someone to form a religious belief, or deal with the absurdity of life.
0/10, im not spiritual at at. I use to consider myself around 6 or 7, but now I do not find any spirituality in me. I really liked the way Dryice's described his philosophical ideas, which I agree with. I believe that at one point in human evolution, a species of primates developed a way to describe the experiences they witnessed. It was probably an early form of cave drawings, maybe stick people? I don't know haha. I believe most mammals have the ability of congitive reason, but lack the ability of language. If you watch Life (the English narator, fuck Oprah) on mammals, you will see what I am talking about. We as humans are nothing special, our language has just created us to be special.
Erm it depends on what the scale is if 10 is being in nature helping out your enemies n things then I'm probably a 7. My philosophy on life is you give to get. Imagine a fence with 2 sides and you're sitting in the middle. To get something of equal value you have to give something of equal value so you stretch from one side and grab something and stretch all the way to the other side in equal distance and dispense it off. Best thing about it is that you never know what you're gonna get, you have some idea but not a firm idea and usually when you don't get what you want you make it happen because of the stretching you've done, you're always able to stretch more without a firm thought of I gave this why aren't I getting that and getting mad about it. This is the awesome part of life to me you can never be 100% of whats gonna happen but you'll always have a general idea. The one time you eat a can of corn and it has Ebola and AIDS in it. This practice of giving and getting heightens your probability of getting what you want in the end and I think blades we exist to make our blades sharper, test them against everything till we can't anymore and rust away and get blown in the wind. Why would I think about rusting away when I could be thinking of getting sharper and slaying? This is why life is exciting. Choice
im 10 being the highest.. but i dont believe in god the universe gives unconditional love we grew apart, i bet you dont remember, got a big money scheme you aint with it
2 1/2. I find it hard to believe that all the religions of the world were inspired by nothing. There must be an explanation, though it is probably a natural one, it is inspiring none-the-less. I figure if there is a branch of psychology concerned with learning about psychic abilities it might indicate something "supernatural" is suspected even in science, but then again if there is such a thing it will become natural once it's understood. There is no way I'm writing a novel to explain to you all my philosophies. You'll have to get to know me either by reading my posts or by asking me questions in private.
I'd say a 6/10 I'm very open about things, I'm Christian , but I find meaning in other religions aswell. I tend to smoke bowls and think about why life is how it is, why did I have to live the life I'm leaving. My Perspective on life is that it's absurd. Nothing has a pattern and none of it is planned out. It's plain and dull and doesn't cooperate with you. It chooses who should live a nice life, and who should live a bad one. 'Ehh, taht's just what I think.
sorry but god is an observer created idea, realize its within yourself no one else can make you change god to me = mother nature + father time + love bring the love to the light, dont keep it subconscious
I would say I'm about an 8? I mean, one of the main things I always question on a day to day basis is why are we here on this planet, trying to create a certain societal standard? I mean where in this evolution scale did it become a priority to get a job and be successful and everything that you learn from childhood. The main purpose of life was simply to survive, was it not? I know that there is something bigger then us, something that we are here for that we cannot fathom. I'm in a psychology class and I learned that as humans progress in their lives, they learn the ability to "create hypothetical situations" and imagine things that are currently not in existence (basically creativity). I mean this attribute is taken for granted, but if you really think about it, it is so strange. I wonder what is past the limits of Earth, space, our universe. It bugs me everyday because I wonder why we go through so much stress in our lives only to die at the end of it?