Spiritual teachers

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Enra5387, Jan 21, 2014.

     Good luck finding such.
    What kind of questions are you thinking of? Try to narrow it to a fundamental.

  2. How can I be a Buddhist who prays to Buddha and Jesus. I know that's a no no to Christianity rules. But I've had personal experiences with both of them which solidified my faith. .. in both. So I'm basically confusing myself. Hahahah But I don't want to feel like I'm "sinning" because I chose a different path that pulls the richness from each religion to roll it into one spiritual awakening. I've had people tell me its bad to do both as energy can get confusing. I <3 hobbit weed
  3. [quote name="dirtydingusus" post="19384500" timestamp="1390369690"]And yet.... instead of listening to... feeling this all around us..... so many listen instead to the world... to other men... to what they are told by every voice other than the one you describe....These men you aspire to be like....Did they find their path by listening to the words of other men.....Or by listening to that voice you just described....By doing what they were told...Or by doing what they felt...[/quote]Damn!I <3 hobbit weed
    They are wrong. I call myself a Gnostic Christian and esoteric ecumenist and I do that as a matter of course.
    People who do not are fools who think one belief system holds all the truth. How tribalistically simplistic that. Being right, right or wrong.
    I've listened to this dude before and I definitely think he has a very good grasp of occult knowledge, dissecting the bible and finding the truth within. He could definitely enlighten people.
  6. I feel like i been trying to shift your perspective for some time now....
    Idk why i keep feeling urged to do so....

    "He could definitely enlighten people"
    No he can't....
    No one can....

    We may be able to look others to find things we have not yet found ourselves....
    Yet they cannot find it for us... or give it to us...
    They may point at places to look....
    But cannot look for you....
    You must seek for yourself....

    Only you can find your way home... it isn't marked on Google maps....

    There comes a time when you must realize... all true teachers do... is show you that you have always had what you need to find what you are seeking....
    While the best of teachers.... is learning as much from watching you learn as they are from teaching....

    When i would take my children into the woods to hike.... i did not lead the way...
    I did not tell them where to walk....or how....
    I said to them... here is the start of a path... you go and see where it takes you... while i followed them... to see what they may find all on their own...

    It has never been about finding "the one and only way" it has always been about what you make of the way you find....

    I often feel your pickledness can see this just fine.... yet still wants someone to follow... perhaps it is yourself you lack faith in...
    Your own ability to find what you are seeking...
    Perhaps it is your own worth you question...
    Do you really need to be shown the way....... or do you just need some kind of reassurance that you are seeking the right goals... in the right places....

    It is all "right" my friend....
    Would the universe put you in the wrong place?
    For the wrong reasons?

    It is only men and their ideas of how they think it should be which create wrong....

    You already know that spark resides within you... seek that same spirit in everything....
    It is only waiting for you to see....

    You already notice it here and there all the time...
    You know it is there....
    Yet you look to other men's words and ways to find that which has always been with you....

    Men and their religions.... run round trying to define everything in an ever changing universe...

    Then spend the rest of their lives tripping over the limitations of their own definitions....

    These ideas they build their faith upon become the very weights which drag them down....

    Let go of silly synthetic labels and limits...
    Know that what you seek may be pointed to be the words of men.... yet you have had it within you. All along.....
    This god they seek is not hidden in the pages of anchaint doctrines....
    It is and always has been all around you... in everything you see and touch and feel...

    The small mind needs boundaries...
    The universe has none....
    I completely agree with you bro. It's almost like you're preaching to the choir, but you really do put shit into perspective.
    You're right that these things can't be definitely defined with labels attached to them due to their abstract and universal nature. My goal is different. I feel like theirs a way to enlighten yourself simply through the mind, but there is also the way of enlightened living.
    This living can only occur when we create a world of imaginary boundaries, but boundaries that are the most limitless. Enlightenment is worthless if you do not act upon it. The highest form of enlightened behaviour is of compassion.
    A world of equality, compassion and humanitarian efforts, that is an enlightened world. A world within which all these institutions and organizations exists, such as the healthcare system, the government system, the education system. Is the one we live in now.
    Does enlightenment mean we give up these things? No.
    Enlightenment means to grow these things, to harmonize these things, to perfect these things. To allow these things to be transformed, to make lead into gold.
    Alchemy is the idea that perfection exists as a model. From perfection do all things stem, and back to perfection they go.
  8. What is prayer....
    Other than humans saying so..is their any reason it must be specific and ritualized....
    Do i need to do it a specific way... at specific times... with specific words....
    This sounds like men putting more limits on an idea which is limitless....
    I thank the universe all the time... prayer...
    All my waking thoughts are prayer...
    If this spirit is all around me.... than i have faith that it knows when i am reaching out to it...
    I have faith that in return it will find a way to show me what i need... so long as i am accepting of what is offered instead of making up my mind as to what the answer is before i seek it....

    You don't need a name to pray to....
    If what you seek is out there.... it will hear you/feel you no matter what you call it....
  9. That was the best answer ever thank you I <3 hobbit weed
  10. Anytime...
  11. I give importance to the ritual, knowing that it is innately meaningless, but knowing also that we ourselves create the meaning.
    With the power of consciousness, I believe we can create anything.
  12. It is not like i don't think you see these things....
    If i didn't feel you would get something from it... i wouldn't bother with you....
    Tho i do see you often deny what you feel... in favor of what someone somewhere said you should think.... i personally feel you are capable of surpassing that limitation....
    Yes we may find wisdom in the words and ways of others.... yet still we must find our own way...
    Some may find comfort in ritual....
    Others find stagnation....

    The sun may rise each and every day....
    Yet no two sunrise's are the same....

    Ritual is for those who need to be bound by the letter of the law..... often ignoring the spirit of said law....
    Haha I feel like you're showing me the next steps I need to take in my evolution...
  14. We create the meaning behind everything we do....
    Ritual... keeps you in one place....
    Reliving the same experience again and again in the same way....
    Life is ever changing...
    Apply the spirit of those rituals to your everyday life... and see what they become....
    Leave behind repeated words...repeated motions...
    Take with you the spirit within them....
  15. Careful..... i am after all just some halfbrained lunatic asshole on the internet :)
    Ah but life itself is a ritual isn't it? When it ends, so does life.
    The ritual can change, but you have to give the ritual power. In giving the ritual power, the very things it represents are made real.
  17. #37 dirtydingusus, Jan 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2014
    Ritual is repetition...
    I am not saying it has no use....
    I am saying that to continue it once you have learned from it all is has to give.... is to hold yourself back....
    Take with you the spirit of the ritual... and move on....
    Humans do often learn well from repetition...
    Yet once you have learned the lesson....
    Why continue to repeat it....
    In school do you go back to grades/classes you have completed?
    Or do you take what you learned from them and move on.... looking for more/looking for what's next....
    Ritual provides comfort....

    What happens to the body when it dies... before utter decomposes... it becomes rigid....
    If you hold your breath.... the cells in your muscles become rigid....

    Rigidity is death....
    Sounds to me as if what you seek is life....

    Take a deep breath.... set down the chains which bind you.... take with you the lessons they taught.... and move forward.....
    Motion creates balance....
    Staying in one place.. doing the same things...
    Creates stagnation...
  18. Life btw.... is a challenge which some turn into a ritual..... so they never have to live up to their potential.... don't even have to seek it.... just. Do as they are told...
  19. Well this thread escalated quickly. Lol Im reading some amazing stuff here!I <3 hobbit weed
  20. But the very acting of living. The very act of breathing in this life and expunging that death
    This is ritual of the true kind
    The random acts of kindness, these be ritual
    The random acts of vice, These be ritual
    The beatings of a heart. These be ritual
    The ritual is a picture, landscape, one that is passed in our every step.
    The ritual is an image of the goal. The images are infinite, but we should know they exist as reflection of the goal.

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