Spiritual high

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Tokey McBong, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. So today my uncle died of a heart attack :( and in his honor I rolled a massive cone with a bunch of mini hash balls and said a little prayer and sparked up. the point of the thread is I had the most like spiritual highs ive ever had it was like I wasn't alone and finally I see why so many religions use it as a religious sacrament
  2. sorry to hear about you uncle man.
  3. Yeah man, my next cone goes out to him bro!
  4. yeah thanks :/ he had just turned 67 too
  5. Sorry to hear about your uncle man. Heart disease has been a pain in my entire family tree, so I know where you are coming from.

    Stay up.
  6. My condolences, keep them alive in your memories and heart.
  7. My sympathies go out to you. Every once in a while I get a high like that. I'm trying to find out how to increase the frequency of experiences like that.

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