Help Please I have a nasty case of the spidermites on my plant. What is a cheap and easy way to get rid of them? All help would be appreciated.
Go to Target or K-Mart. And in the Plant isle, look at all the bottles n' stuff, and im sure you will find somethin very usefull
Thanks a bunch guys!! I really appreciate it. Custombod they are microscopic spiders. I only noticed them cause all the webs on the leaves. Again thanks guys.
i have spidermites and i have tryied loads of things and organic sprays and dish water ,blah,blah still to no avail bloody life sucking buggers i find gently squashing them with your fingers does the trick , but it is very labour intensive and you have to keep on top of it...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mites Hosts: Many field crops, ornamentals, greenhouse, and houseplants. Symptoms: Mites are not insects but, rather, are more closely related to scorpions and spiders. Unlike insects, adult mites have four pairs of legs regardless of the species. Probably the most common mite problem is due to the two-spotted mite. Two-spotted mites cause chlorotic stippling of leaves giving the appearance that a fine tan to yellow sand has been sprinkled on the foliage. This symptom is very distinctive and is readily recognized by experienced growers. As populations increase, webbing is often spun over foliage and flowers. These mites are most likely to be found on the underside of leaves and in the flowers. The mites' piercing-sucking mouth parts cause curling of leaflets from outside inward by creating small depressions in young leaves. Damaged flower buds sometimes will not open or open only to be distorted. Life Cycle: The time span from egg to adult varies greatly with the temperature. Under hot, dry conditions, the egg to adult life cycle may be completed in seven days. At 70F the life cycle is 20 days but only half that when temperatures are at 80F. High temperatures and low relative humidity favors mite development. Eggs hatch in two to five days into six-legged nymphs which feed for a short time. Next, an inactive resting stage of about 1.5 days duration occurs. This stage is repeated approximately three times until the eight-legged adult finally emerges from the last resting stage. Because each female may deposit 100 eggs or more, the potential for rapid population increases is great. High humidity (80 percent or more) with a cool temperature (60F) favors their development. The life cycle from egg to adult can occur in only two weeks with the female living up to four weeks and laying up to 100 eggs. Description: Besides red, the mites may be yellow or green with two dark spots on their bodies. They are about 1/50-inch in length.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr little vandals Treating with insecticide generally gives a better result. In any case, repeat the application after a few days, otherwise, you risk the chance that the whole garden will be eaten. Spider mites can also be controlled with their natural enemy Phytoseiulus persimilis; a predator mite which feeds on spider mites. White flies are also a formidible opponent of the weed grower. It can't be repeated enough, control the climate, and take care of healthy plants. Then, insects will have the least chance to propagate.
i am at a loss....after viewing many pictures of spider mites I have came to the conclusion that they are not them. I have thes things in my soil, not on the webbing, they are jsut in the soil, and within a minute after you make a presence trying to look at them through a magnifying glass, they all disapear down deep...they are yellowish white in wings... small but easily seen moving about on top of the soil... they appear to have 8 legs but the freakin things just move to fsat to catch and observe at a more detailed level... I Just transplanted my plant about 4 days ago now- (its about 6 inches tall, and per reccomendation, I planted it up to its cotyledons, to root the stem as it was getting leggy) -into a five gallon bucket with a 2 : 1 soil over perliter mix, very nice mix, it drains well, yet retains the proper amount, it has plenty of air, and doesnt pack, even after applying heavy pressure the soil is still loose, so this is not the problem...but anyway to the point.... the cotyledons are completely dead...yellow that is... fallen.... dead... the set up from them are curling and has yellow motteling starting to appear...the set up from that is also curling upwards, and is turning golden yellow... I have not fertilized until today, with a light mix, thinking it might be a N deficiency, something I didnt want to do because I have read not to fert. until 3 weeks after transplanting but my post ('why me' in the 'indoor growing' forum) didnt get the needed response to this particular fertilizer dilemma, so I had to take matters into my own unexperienced hands, I bought peters professional 20-20-20 mix, mixed 1 teasp. in a gallon, and misted the leaves gently with the solution as well as adding abit to thesoil ... not too much. I also abought a pesticide, I dont have the bottle on me now and I forget what it is, it says it kills over 100 listed insects... I havent used it yet, as I am not sure if the bugs are causing the dammage and dont want to risk killing the plant if there is no need..... I managed to catch a single ...whatever they are... I put it in a cup of water and pushed it down to the bottom, where I let it stay for 10 minutes....I wanted to make sure it was dead... I drained the water, and after a few minutes of scanning, I found it, I took it out and started looking at it through a mag. glass... to my surprise it started running away.... 10 minutes completely submerged in water and this little thing was still alive...puts hudini to shame.... any way, I saw no black spots on its shoulder, but it appeared to have a single white band spanning the width of its abdomen... Icouldnt tell if it had 8 legs, or 6 and the two were it mouth, but the for sure legs were spider looking... no hairs anywhere as i have seen in the pictures...i cannot seem to come up with an answer to what these are...definately not an aphid, I dont think they get this small... anny help either on the yellowing issue or the 'mites' is greatly appreciated as my leaves are curling more each day... ps I have two other plants in the origanal pre transplant soil (that they were started in) there are no 'mites' in these, yet they are right next to the 'contaminated' bucket, there is also no yellowing (except for the cotyledons which are starting to yellow at the tips but there is no curling whatsoever on the true leaves... thanks for any help