spidermite controll

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by lilredrice, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Found this product, it did a good job and have a nice smell . I thinks its better then neem oil, its ready to use and dnt have to mix.

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  2. I second this I used it and it knocked them out in two treatments smells like rosemary it killed almost all ov them on the first aplication misted my other plants and none of them got mites
  3. This is a good product.
  4. It is rosemary oil and h2o. It works great. I buy rosemary oil and mix my own add some neem oil for the sure kill. Much more economical to mix myself.5ml rosemary5ml neem1ltr h2oMjfrom someplace on something
  5. Never used that but been meaning to, been using the captain jacks dead brew with the Spinosad and it has worked wonders.

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