Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse

Discussion in 'Movies' started by lessthanjeezy, Dec 19, 2018.

  1. Hands down, best Spiderman movie that has been made. I give it a 9/10, the writing was fantastic and funny throughout, visually the movie was incredible and seeing the different Spidey's interacting with each other and Thwipping around Brooklyn was awesome. I highly recommend going to see it in theaters.
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  2. Spider-Man crosses parallel dimensions and teams up with the Spider-Men
    of those dimensions to stop a threat to all reality. With Nicolas Cage(voice)
    Score: 6/10 Stoner movie of the month
    As listed in MOVIE releases DECEMBER 2018

    Tho the story wears thin now after 5-6 movies recently
  3. an 8/10 for me...

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