Spider mites on new seedlings

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Colenelson627, May 23, 2018.

  1. So last night I decided to plant my germinated seeds into their solo cups, using an old bag of soil I had from my last crop. I should’ve known better, but the bag was full of mites. My question is, should I let these seedlings grow a little before I squirt any pesticides in there, or should I get rid of the spider mites ASAP? I don’t want to introduce my precious seedlings to any chemicals, but I’m afraid the mites might affect my root production before they get to a point where they can handle the pesticides. If anyone out there can help me make this decision it’d really be appreciated, thanks guys

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  2. ha, Me? I'd throw everything out. I did my time with spider mites and lost a whole plant. Now I keep a bucket of water with dr bronners soap and neem oil and rub it on the bottom of the leaves whenever I feel like it and I like it when I feel it.
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