Spider in indoor grow.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by GrandpalovesGB, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I posted in begginers because I grew 3 times before, but a year ago and I was lucky with my outcome of a few ounces considering the mishaps and set up.

    I just started another, germinated the seeds between plates, put them in solo cups to start under 159W of CFL for veg.

    I baked the soil and took precations even though it was store bought so I assume it happened in the house, but I noticed a small spider crawl on one of the larger repotted plants, and saw a few strands of web and an egg or two not to deep in loose soil. Is this a problem insect, and how can I kill it without killing my bud?
  2. Spider mites are bad. But a plain ol' spider can be good, to a degree.

    It shouldn't harm your plant, and might be able to catch invasive bugs. But, you don't want webs all over your buds.
  3. I seen a spider about a week ago on of my girls, and then just the other day a slight bit of webbing. I cleaned out the webbing with my finger, then gave each plants soil a nice misting with Safer Insecticide spray, stuff works great, and since the spray have yet to see any signs of the buggers. Good or not, I don't trust insects around my girls :smoking:
  4. I have had a few big wolf spiders in my grow I don't mind them they seem to get along fine till i use the flowering nutes then they seem to die.
  5. I searched for this subject before posting and I'm hoping to find out if it's ok to have a spider or two on my grow.I think he would make the webbing around the bottom of the plant, who knows.We're talking a pretty small spider,no wolf spider or tarantula(which would be sweet,guard spider)So other than the webbing it's no prob?I wondered about "spider Mites" but assume they are called that because the are an arachnid as well and also produce tiny webbing.

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