I'm not a Bon Jovi fan. I promise. But I once danced alone in a pitch black forest, with a torch in one hand, lip synching to Livin' On A Prayer, stoned out of my skull. Try it. Any other magical songs when high, people?!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xat1GVnl8-k&list=PLAF8965F28847FA5F&index=23&feature=plpp_video]Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch - YouTube[/ame] Jimmy Pop is awesome! This songs makes me wanna dance like they do in the video!
i normally dispise country but cadillac ranch by chris ledoux is fucking epic if you and a buddy are sitting in a car and you come up with a dance for it... wish i could explain to you the epic dance hahaha. also try throwing on sugar magnolia by the grateful dead, and take a hot shower in the dark while you listen to it high as fuck. one of my all time favorite high experiences lol