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"Special" things you do when your high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bamf64, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Do you have like a tradition of something you always do when your high?

    if im high and in my room, i have to rub the glass bhudda's belly :smoke:

    every piece of homework that i complete while high, i have to write "high!" on a random part of the paper. than, at the end of the year, i can see how i passed while doing all my homework high!
  2. I go on raping spree's.
  3. Eat a Tuna sandwich, they're delicious.
  4. My favorite thing to do when I'm high is to smoke more weed :bongin:
  5. I HAVE to jack off! haaaaaaaaaaa totally kidding.

    But its not bad every once in a while:cool: LOL

  6. amen:hello:
  7. i like to have sex, or eat a nice meal, or go on a scenic walk or bike ride or drive, or any combination of said activities, and more
  8. this ^:smoke:
  9. pass 'd dutchie pon 'd left hand side. :smoke:
  10. eat an entire cake
  11. i really do hope you mean rapping. LOL:p
  12. If I'm by myself, I have a text file where I write the date and then some stoned ramblings, whatever strikes my fancy to write about. It's fun to go back and read later.


    like in the notes section!!
  14. If im in my room, i always turn on my lava lamp when im high :smoke: its the only time its ever on, so if anyone comes in my room they see the lamp and know im extra chill :cool:
  15. Eat cookies, only when I am high NEVER sober.
  16. When I get high my newfoundland turns into a bear and I spend the majority of the time trying to hide from him. scariest shit ever. he see's me right now...:bolt:

  17. Im going to do this now! +1
  18. I always listen to some Reggae when rolling a joint or packing a bowl. I then proceed to smoke da Herb and kick back for about 10 minutes and think deeply. Then its time to do whatever comes to mind lol If im with some buds then ill go play some video games and chill. But nothing beats listening to Peter Tosh when your high loL Jah Bless:smoke:

  19. I think you mean wrapping........ :)
  20. When I do it alone at home, I often tend to bring out some cashews, pour a glass of water, and put in some beavis and butthead.

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