speaker help needed

Discussion in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' started by Maj0ra, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. i got 4 free 6in. pioneer speakers and my back doors are like 4.5in. or something point is there too big for the door, so how can i fasten them to my door, cause atm whenever i close my door the pop out
  2. Your eaither gonna have to hack out your door to get them to fit and drill them in OR make some type of fiberglass enclosure. easiset thing to do would be to go to walmart and get some cheap 4.5's
    ive seen pairs of speakers at walmart for like 15 bucks. obviously extremely low quality but whatev they make noise I geuss....
  3. you can try to make an adaptor for the speakers. those are 6.5 speakes. so its doable with some creativity and knowledge. id make the speaker adaptor out of MDF board. this adaptor was made out of 3/4'' MDF board. good luck

  4. ill give it a shot thanks mate
  5. #5 Zmerc, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    low quality and not even worth he money to be honest. you can get name brand for 50 bucks. Those walmart brands have crappy frequency, dont really last long. and can make your whole system sound crappy. Door/dash speakers are when you want to go the extra mile on car speakers cause those are the ones that are closest to your ear. Then once you got your doors and dash fitted you want to get some depth from a subs, and hit high frequency with some kickers. 1amp is a must have for atleast the subs then another amp for door speakers will increase their power. Then you want to get a Capacitor to give your amp/subs that bigger boost of power so your sub can really hit strong. Then you will have the best system on the block
  6. i dont need to know your thoughts on what i need to have a great system my system is mad tasty, only thing i asked is how to secure the speakers in my door nothing else
  7. hahahahah kicker... lol
  8. Capacitors are junk.
  9. zip ties ftw

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