California Hashplant and Powerkush. Soaked seed in water over nite in water and then placed on a soil tablet . Kept soil damp for a few days and once green shoots appeared placed soil in the pots with cardboard dividers for 3 weeks. pic one Placed outside in large pots and protected from cats and small children. pic 2 They look shaded they but do have some nice direct sun .I'm a bit paranoid about putting to much heat on them at the mop , but have had em out sunbathing with me ..and will be having them out more now they are bigger. Only 4 plants survived from 6 although number 5 is alive but still looks 3 weeks old...healthy looking though...strange Soil is from garden centre and 30percent is the winters food garbage mostly consisting of fruit and veg. Thanks for the help last year guys Think i need to swap over to the flowering feed soon though???HELP
no even worthy of a comment...boohoo i was chuffed with them...little darlings will post updated pics if and when i can as they might of just die yet... hopefuly not though when should change the food over to flowering...? thx
i don't post much, but i dig the grow. just curious what kind of nutes u use now and what u will use when u switch to flower?
not a clue mate 30 in the day..maybe 35..... 18 at night maybe 20 think a guy on here lives pretty close if you wana real good answer as if i remember rightly he nos loads and will properly have charts of the weather just a little newbie...he has his head screwed on
Quick update then Watering most days now and giving thm a bit of food as and when .I had a bad overfeed once and am not a great fan of feeding..I just hope the rotting fruit and veeg from the winter is doing its job.. As you can see i have tied one down and its doing fine. Not the best spanish grw you will see but i am very happy with it this year so far.
cant argue with that I suppose with the lack of feeding and basic compost i am using this could be as organic as it gets. I feed once a fortnight a tiny amount and they seem only pest problem was solved with killing one caterpillar that was spotted nice and early and a cricket avin a much that i flicked into oblivion. They seem to so fine with being left to chill in the sun. The one i tied down seem to look a bit pissed off in the fist 2 days, after 2 weeks i can see the stalks pointing to the sky and comparing it to her sister next to her i can see it will yield more even at this nice one for was only when u posted the pic i understood it Reading your thread cantharis gave us the respect needed as it aint like growing tomatoes as i once thought just waiting ntiill about September and i hopfully will get a smoke or 2