spacy buds why?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Vwman, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. so my buds look like this, there is a lot of space between them. Theyre not compact like I would like them to be. this is my first time getting a plant to survive through flowering so from here on its all new to me.
    are these normal? theyre not like anything Ive seen. there is a lot of space between the little buds where you can see stem. I give a it a bloom food every other watering and the lights are CFL's totalling about 200 real watts. this is day 33 of flower.
    lil info please
    close up just cause. trics look okay but overall buds are small.


    and here you can see teh space between the buds. do you think they will fill in?
  2. it still could very well fill in. flowering takes 6-10weeks depending upon the strain maybe longer... your probably about half way
  3. looks like they need some more light bring the lights closer they should almost be touching
  4. I have lowered them and then raised them back up. im nervous about burning the plant. I know theyre not hot hot but Im just nervous. i guess Ill bring the lights back down to within a couple inches. sorry for bein a newb.

    also what about cat tailing. All my tops have split, looks like a Y with a short and a long cola.
  5. if you want those buds to look half way decent in the end, put the lights about 2 inches from the tops of them. just make sure that there is a fan in there and thy will be good
  6. I am sure they will fill in, but keep in mind that it is much tougher to get density growing with cfl compared to high intensity lights. They both have their disadvantages, and airy nugs are common when using fluorescents.
  7. Using CFLs is like walking a tightrope -- if they are too close for too long they can burn the plants, but if they are more than a couple of inches away the light intensity falls off so far that they aren't helping the plant much. So constant monitoring and adjusting is the best course.

    It's also possible your buds are lankier due to genetics, if you have a sativa-dominant strain or phenotype.
  8. great replies folks thanks for the info. I guess 'll be switching to HID next go round.
    The plant is northern lights and skunk hyb.( so Im told) I think thats mostly Indica. well see what happens. 30-45 more days to go
  9. the closer your light is to your plants the bigger the buds. long plants with spaced out buds is when the plant is stretching for light. If your using cfls's u should beable to get the 1-6 inches from the plant with fans blowing over your plants
  10. Your best bet really is to go with a red and orange HPS for flowering cycle...
  11. yeah I will def be moving to HID lighting for the next plant. Im struggling to get a clone to stay alive so I might be starting another from seed soon. and ill upgrade to hps.

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