Hello everybody , first off i created this account a very long time ago and have just got around to posting my first thread so if i fuck anything up don't be afraid to let me know lol . Now im looking to start indoor growing , and iv'e seen some debate between the spacebucket vs a smaller grow tent . iv'e googled the price of a small grow tent and seen them going for around $60. everybody said how the space buckets were so much cheaper but wouldn't it be worth it to spend the little bit extra money on a professionally made tent other then growing it out of a bucket lmfao . Im only looking to grow 2 maybe 3 plants . if you suggest the tents could you include the size dimensions you prefer . this will be my first grow . THANKS!!
What is a space bucket? Like a hydroponic bubble bucket? If it is those are two totally different things. The bucket would be your pot to grow the plant in and the tent would be for environment control, lighting, smell barrier etc. I would get both. If smell is a concern for you it would be a good idea to get an inline fan and a carbon filter also. You could also use a room or closet as a "tent" but it will require good air flow and reflective surfaces if possible. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
@Herbzilla420 thanks for the quick reply , actually people grow it until harvest in the spacebucket . its basically 5 buckets you get from home depot cut up to make one grow bucket , heres a link to a pic Redirect Notice
Interesting. That's new to me. I personally would still recommend a tent. The extra room will really help IMO but that's all up to you. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Looks interesting but trust me I tried the cheaper diy road and it's a pain in the ass... you can get a 2x2 tent on eBay for $35 free shipping.
@Herbzilla420 @thatguyy420 Dope , thanks both of you guys ! ill def go with the tent instead . so a 2x2 will easily fit 2-3 plants ?and suggestions on the lights and or other equipment that will be needed ? sorry for all the newbie questions .
I love my Apolo 48"x48"x80" on Amazon good access and nice and high, $109.99. They have a smaller one which my daughter purchased and now she wishes she had ordered the bigger one. It's very easy to set up with room for 4 plants if you LST or 2 or 3 if you scrog. Good luck and have fun. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
It all depends on how much space you really have to work with a 2x2 can hold 2 plants or so. But if you have the extra room go bigger it's easier to work with. I'm only just starting out myself and I'm using a mars hydro300 for 2 clones
the only problem is im trying to keep it in a closet space , and i would like to be able to move it in any case of an emergency such as landlord schedualed to come over , he doesnt but just in case ya know?
I rent also and mines in a closet don't worry I mean what "work" or whatever would he really need to be in your closet? Just get some thing that fits your size and price range you can always cover it up if he did have to come over.
your totally right , he really wouldnt need to go in there , i guess im just worried about the smell if he did come inside anywhere near my room . i mean weed stinks lmao
In my first grow now and using a vivosun 2x4x5 tent. It's doing great. I think it's perfect size for 2 plants. 3 if u use 3 gallon pots IMO Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
thanks for the info , quick questing . will restricting the pot size to 3 Gallons effect the overall yield of the plants ?
I'm using 5 gallon smart pots for two plants. I've seen a lot of ppl say that you can def use a 3 gallon pot as long as it's an Air pot or Smart pot. And get the same grow you would from a 5 gallon bucket or non-breathable pot. That's IMO I'm not a guru by any means. As I said I'm in my first grow. (Seems to be doing ok) but I've done a lot of research. Also always keep in mind the light plays the biggest role as far as buds and yields. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I've seen decent size plants come out of 3 gallon pots before. The bigger the root mass means bigger plants usually though. Like mentioned lighting plays a big role in this too. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum