
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by C Weezy, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. damn i think about this when i'm blazed sometimes and it totally fuckin confuses me and shit and just makes me totally zone out...

    anybody ever think like if space goes on forever like shit what is all out there, i wanna go to a planet that's like in a totally different whatever they're called galaxys maybe i don't know but that would be so crazy...or like what's on the other side of a black hole if you get sucked in by one where do you come out...or the weirdest thing is like what if once you got to the end of space there was just a wall and that's as far as space went like everything is inside a giant box wouldn't you want to know what's on the other side of that wall like how could you come up to a huge wall surrounding everything and not wonder what would be outside of the wall is it just like nothing just black or what

    so weird if you actually think about it
  2. i really doubt space ends and if it did you wouldn't be able to find it
  3. You wouldn't travel in a black hole, you would be crushed. "A black hole is an object so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape its intense gravity".

    "Observations of stars racing around the center (of our galaxy) also suggest the presence of a black hole. The stars orbit at speeds up to 1.8 million km/h (1.1 million mph)-17 times the speed at which Earth circles the Sun-even though they are hundreds of times farther from the center than Earth is from the Sun."

    1.1 million mph!!! that's so fucking incredible!! Here's an article about our galaxy if you want to read it. Apparently you can see the center of our galaxy and even other galaxies on some nights, that would be really cool to get stoned and check out a completely different galaxy, I think it's called the andromeda galaxy.
  4. When I was younger, I used to think of the EXACT same stuff.. the wall at the end, wanting to see outside of the "universe box," everything. I've taken a university astronomy course since then though, and that kinda ruins all the mystery of it, haha.. but it was a fun thing to think about.
  5. actully i heard that tha black hole is just a theory(if that's how u spell it) that it might be true or not , also yeah to me i think space never ends , kinda make you think alot huh;)
  6. just variations in everything.
    but then there is still something outside.
  7. i belive haven is the power to everything
    the opposit is your woerst nightmare in time.
  8. I'm happy on earth. Put on any other planet, and we'll just end up destroying it too. At the very least raping it for resources.
  9. If you're alive you're raping something of resources. I think it would be cool to have my own planet though. own solar system...
  10. uhh what magical genius calculated a speed of 1.1 million miles per hour..????? that's so fast you can't even follow it with your eyes..

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