Space to light ratio

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by erostgol, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, this is my first post on this site but I have checked it out for tips from time to time.
    But now I have a few questions for any experienced growers out there. I am about to set up an indoor grow tent in a spare room in my apartment and am looking at getting something large around the 78x78x78 size. I will be growing many different things in it including some tomato plants. I am going to be getting a lumatek ballast 600watt and have not really decided on the reflector yet.
    1. Now from what I understand that space might be a little to big for the 600watt light to effectively cover , is this correct?
    2. I have heard that you need special digital ballast bulbs for the lumatek ballast or they blow a lot is this true?
    3.If the light is not strong enough to cover the hole area of the tent would it be a matter of keeping my plants centered under the light and away from the sides of the tent? also when I get comfortable with this set up could I just add another light to cover the area better?

    I know that was a lot all at once but id love some ideas on this thank you.
  2. That tent is way too big for a 600 imo. Personally I would not use a 600 for any space bigger than a 4x4. You could fit 4 600's in that space with good ventilation.
  3. Hey and thanks for responding, Yeah i thought it might be a little big but I would like room to upgrade without having to buy another tent. So i was wondering if as long as I dident put to many plants in it and centered the light if it would be ok for the plants within about 4cf of it?
  4. Sure you can run a 600 in there if you keep the plants under the appropriate light footprint. I wouldn't do that though. In order to keep the smell under control you would have to use some monster inline fans in order to ventilate such a big area. I would let light dictate tent size. If you are getting a 600, just get a 4x4 tent so that ventilating will be much easier. If you want to expand later just get another tent and run 2 of them.
  5. Ok that sounds good ill take your advice. How many plants do you think I could put in a 4x4 without crowding tomuch
  6. If growing from seed 4 is a nice number. If starting from clones you can fit more since you can flower with as little veg time as you want.

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