Ok, so im looking for a new grinder with a sifter in it. i saw there are 2 brands but since ive heard about space case being the best, it seems like aero spaced is like a knock off. has anyone bought an aero spaced grinder and was it good quality? reason im asking is that the space case is $100, and the aero spaced is $30. thanks
i havent bought an aerospace but i have the black medium 4 piece space case grinder with sifter, and i have a 2 piece medium grinder by cosmic. bot r made in the USA, im guessing that that other brand ur considering isnt. i would 120% get a space case. its worth the money, i love it. if its not made from quality materials the grinder could produce microscopic metal shaving thatll mix with ur bud. get a quality made in USA space case, theyre amazing
From just reading some stories on here I would go with the Space Case. Within a year there is a pretty good chance the "Aero space" grinder breaking down and leaving aluminum flakes in your bud. Yes, the Aero Space is a knock off.
yea, i was almost sure that aero spaced was a fake. used the same font and everything. Now ive got to decide between the space case and sharpstone (not a clear topped one, it seems like the teeth would be glued there, and every now and then i dont smoke the softest/fluffiest bud.
hahahahah duuuuddddddeeeee space case is like the bugatti of grinders, or like the rolls royce. sharp stone is like a bmw 3 series or a mercedes e class. yeah they decent but they aint on the bugatti or rolls royce level or anywhere near it
haha, thanks, i'll definately get the space case. it will be loads better than the $2.50 acrylic grinder i have now. haha, it gets stuck and will make super loud screeches too. time to get keif'd up. what about keif boxes? any top brands for those?
Look at the zombie boxes... I'm gonna order one next week.. Look around the site, for the price they look the best to me... Exotic Zombie Wood Products kief boxes
idk much about kief box's idk i think that u have to use a lot of bud with kief boxes. and my space case gets good amounts of kief and its small. kief boxes are generally prety big i think (im not sure tho), and i keep my smoking on the dl so size is a concern for me
I keep my smoking and vapeing on the dl to man.. they make different size kief boxes.. I'm gonna order that 4x7 box they have... And it only holds a half ounce to a quarter.. If it smells just put it iin a ziplock.. All you do is shake it around every once in a while and it starts to collect kief.. Hell you don't even have to shake it
i usually stores my buds in mason jars though, wont it dry out quicker if u keep it in a kief box. especially if its in there for a while. cuz itd take me a while to vape a half o to a quarter haha
It shouldn't dry out that quick but hell you can put it back in a mason jar after like a week in the box.. I'm sure it would accumulate alot in a week..
yeah probably. it would be so sick if they made a mason jar that had a screw of chamber on the bottom and had a screen right above it so u could keep it in an air tight mason jar, and still constantly be collecting kief.