Space alien night.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by toke, May 2, 2010.

  1. Alrighty then, so I'm chilling with my good black friend we got about an 1/8 each taking some bong rips watching Breaking Bad great show if you haven't seen it. I'm pretty high just zoning out in this intense show while the man is just cooking up meth my buddy was looked like he was zonin too haha. So then we tune up to CNN gotta stay tuned to the news and the world ey, then this Steven hawking thing comes on, this is about the time where I just get my mind blown the fuck out...he was like we shouldn't go looking for aliens cause they're definetely out there and probably more advanced, they start showing the unviverse and just keep zooming farther and farther away from earth and I realize that there is def more life out there, its impossible not to be, there's just so much out in the unvierse it's sooo crazy. Then I was thinking about god and how our whole world mainly believes in some form of religion, me myself am drifting from the whole religious thing, but then I thought about what re other worlds believe in,??do Rey believe in something greater and powerful? How do they live in volcanoes or just stay flying..who the fuck knows, I say we just stay the fuck on this earth man leave all that shot behind cause they're out tere whatever or whoever. Alright fellows I'm out peeace. Oh yea my black buddy was like "I know there ought to be a planet out there with all black people *****," haha that made me geek pretty hard, then I told him there would be alot of ego and yelling and may smell like poo lol!! Hahaha he geeked hard too haha good times
  2. lol youre high arent you.
  3. Haha you know it it's all good though with some scrumptous kumpruois lumptious starburst bursting with flavor every little chew absorbs the sugar straight to the teeth down the throat cuddle the balls lol.!!
  4. I think in the same way. I really can see the huge impossible thing in my head. Wow, were tiny.

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