South Park: The Fractured Butt Hole

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by travilanche, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Yeah it is worth picking up stick of truth whenever to give it a play through, it is pretty cheap and is an amazingly fun game
  2. Is this out for switch, or ever going to be? What systems?
  3. Right now on PS4, Xbox One and PC, I don't believe there are any plans for it to come to switch
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  4. The german title is not even remotely as funny as the English. Maybe it's finally time to get a ps4. Now that I think about it I'm gonna go with my 7 years after release rule
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  5. Played the first one which was pretty fun. I’m thinking about getting this one but the app has been taking up my time. I’m addicted to that
  6. Good for you on the discipline. I am terrible with systems, have 2 xbox 360s, an xbox one, ps4, wii, wii U and Nintendo Switch. Also a SNES classic haha
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  7. It's not exactly discipline I simply can't afford it. Well I could but I would be left without weedmoney for at least two months. Maybe when my 360 dies
  8. Yeah whenever you do purchase another console, PS4 is the way to go. I haven't touched my xbox one in months.
  9. I heard it's got this voice control shit. Imagine sitting there playing skyrim and some fucker says xbox off. Hell no talking to computers is nothing for me
  10. Yeah you gotta have the kinect setup for that which they don't even sell anymore with the console and you could turn the feature off. I did like being able to walk in the room, say xbox on and by the time I got changed after work I was signed in and ready to go. Oh yeah it also had a sign in feature that would recognize your face and sign you into your profile
  11. And nobody knows where all the data goes
  12. Nope, but if it goes somewhere, a lot of xbox employees had to watch me jerk off so sucks for them

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