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South NJ mids

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RUC88, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. so my dealer currently only sells dank, about 60 bills for a eighth.... now i have a script that i sell to him for 90 bills worth of bud which gets me pretty nice, and its free bud technically because i dont pay for my scripts.

    now i just got a job so im looking to buy more bud but no way am i spending a paycheck on such a little amount of weed its just a personal preference. dank is great but mids are pretty solid especially daytime smoking.
    Are there any people on the forum that know any legit mids or high-mid dealers selling around 130 for an O
  2. Im in philly which is pretty close to south jersey... for an oz of mids i pay around 200. i Dont think you'll be able to find high mids for 130 an oz just my opinion
  3. Living in jersey i dont really hear much about 130 for an O unless they are great friends with the dealer
  4. I pay 150/oz for pretty good mids, no headache, about half the buds are seedless. Great for getting your tolerance down and having something to roll fatties with, but I find you can burn through it just as fast as headies dollar-for-dollar if you're not careful.

    But dude don't sell your script, that's mad grimy. If you don't need or take the pills YOUR DOCTOR approved for YOU, don't keep getting them and shoveling them onto the street. Dealers don't card for that shit and depending on what it is it's most likely not as safe as bud. Sorry to preach but just my $.02
  5. I live in south jersey and get 150$/O of some good dro
  6. I'm in central jersey and have paid the same amount from a few different people. 60 an 1/8th, 100 a 1/4th. I havent picked up any bigger amounts. I'm barely smoking now with the severe lack of jobs and the unemployment extensions all fucked up. I've only had some real dank once, and he stopped dealing. My regular guy only had Sour D one night from his friend, and charged me the same as his usual stuff.
  7. im a college student who gets prescribed adderalls so i can sell them straight up if people are willing to pay money for pills so they can study for a test and i dont really need then so be it. Im getting high from the bud i get for them, i dont need them because my grades are fine without them, the dealer that im selling them to is getting paid for selling them 5 or 6 a piece, and the people that are selling them are getting higher test scores so please let me know who is losing in this situaton

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