south Italy prices ?

Discussion in 'General' started by bambaj, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Hi all

    next week I plan to visit south of italy and would like to know what are the prices and what in general I have to expect ? as far as i know, weed is not legal and i dont want any troubles :)

    And another story: will there be any problem to buy a bit more then 50grams ?

    looking on webehigh. com i found price information which i dont trust so much - any one can verify that?:eek:

    25 grams - 70 euro
    50 grams - 120 euro
    100 grams - 200 euro
    1KG - 500euro

    Any of you had chance to be there ?

    thanks in advance for all answers !!!:wave:
  2. anyone ?
  3. lol dude your going to italy and worrying about weed..i mean i wouldn't mind smoking and bein on a gondola or w.e but you should not go looking for bud and shit over seas if you don't know anything about the place..

    ever seen locked up abroad?
  4. 1g- A slice of momma's home made parmesan pizza

    3.5gs - A bowl of pasta

    7gs - a bag of perchutto amd and fettuccini alfredo meal from nona's kitchen
  5. i usually pay 50euros for about 14-15g..the weed is OK..but not the greatest since everybody smokes hash here (rome)

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