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South FLorida Mids

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by imarolla187, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Pretty nice, not the best mids but still fire!:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. nice.... where in south fla are you? And how much did the dude charge you for those

  3. I live about 30 miles north of Fort Myers. We got twenty bucks worth, pictured is what remained after two blunts.
    Thanks for checking it out :wave:
  4. damn dude, im near kendall. I need better deals because my last dub was a ripoff :(
  5. looks like you got a fuckin deal haha, shit looks pretty good
  6. Damn sorry to hear that bro.. shit around here the only problem is deciding WHO to pickup from lol, since everyone and their momma sells weed. I guess all the competition around here keeps the prices relatively low and the bag pretty fat.

    lol thanks man :smoke:
  7. thats some nice shit bro. im from vermont and i just moved down here the beginning of october and i have no clue where to get bud. i dont have the money for any fire but that shit looks madd good. i live in fort myers off of palm beach and im definitely not going down to the scummy end of it. dont feel like getting robbed haha
  8. nice ass mids bro haha
  9. nice im in the 239 homie, hit me up sometime im in nopo sometimes
  10. In that 561. Let's get a blunt passin!
  11. Lets get it started then, Ill throw one across the alley homie ;p
  12. [quote name='"Schnookin"']

    Lets get it started then, Ill throw one across the alley homie ;p[/quote]

    Word I will toss it to the blades in the Mia.

  13. haha appreciate it bro but Ive moved back to Texas where Im from...:smoke:

    thanx mane I miss FLorida mids. Just dank and reggie here in TX. but I only fux with the dank

    haha used to reside in the 941!

    :smoke: all day!
  14. #15 Elizzle, Jan 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2012
    Hell yeah. Rep that 941. I'm down in North Port, I'll throw up some pics of more South Fl fire mids.

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