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South Florida Fire

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by YoungDirk, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. #1 YoungDirk, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2010
  2. that shit literally looks ON FIRE!
    dank my brotha
  3. damn nice pic up man.
    i wish i could smoke that in a blunt.
  4. coño brother that shit is fire! I'm a have to upgrade to that good Shiite next time I pick some up
  5. Good shit reppin 305 =)
  6. I'd smoke the hell out of that :smoke:
  7. Actually 954 homegrown, but I gotta show love to all SoFla. 561/954/305 ALL DAY.
    The best bud of the east. :D
  8. what about 813 tampa bay boiiiiii
  9. Reppin 561:) That shit does look hella fire. I would like to jump in that bag and live there!:D
  10. nice bro good to see some funk down here
  11. Damn son looks like some bud I picked up in Orlando not too long go
  12. Reppin' the 954 I have bud that looks just like that. It seems to be flooded around here. The guy I pick it up from calls it orange crush.
  13. in the 954 we get some serious shit. that looks like what i was getting winter break when i was down there. I told the kid not to sell any quarters of it cuz i wanted to get a lot before i left. Breaks up soooo nicely too, and the thc stays on ur hands like cheeze its but it isnt that sticky. Its crazy bud. The best blunt bud u can imagine interms of being able to break it up and being able to still get a lot of thc when smoked.
  14. Like cheese... lol
    And you got it exactly right. Breaks up so well, roll it in a blunt, and just riiiiide
  15. Wow, that shit sure is FIRE!:eek:
  16. i got that exact same strain from my boy here in orlando he called it "orange crush" he ran out of that shit tho and he's stopped selling so imma shed a tear to the fact ill probbly never see that dank shit again...:(
  17. Ya that bud has been around for about 2-3 months around my area.. It's hydropnically grown Cannasutra very good smoke, sativa dominant. I find it to be better when vaporized :D
  18. We get some good bud down here, just depends, picked up what was called blue cheese like a powder coated blue piece of clay lmao last week, its funk
  19. Haven't posted any pickups in a while, but here's a couple of my recent pickups.
    Still no camera, so iPhone pics will have to do it for now.

    1. Got this bud a few weeks ago. Bag had one niiice nug, which was about 2.4 by itself. You can't tell at all from the pic, but this stuff was mad sticky. So damn sticky lol... got me fucked up.

    2. Just got an 1/8th of this tonight, from a new local dealer. Small, fluffy nugs, with nice orange hairs and well-dried. Not nearly as sticky as the other stuff but still got a nice amount of crystals. Has a nice fruity smell to it.

    Sadly I never got a pic of some fire cheese bud I copped for 420... It was gone too fast. :smoking:
  20. looks like some soflo fire.

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