So I just wanted to remind all of u that there a new South Park episode coming on.TOWLEY FTW! Can't wait for that episode Shall smoke like mad man
so is towlie actually coming back in this one because it would be perfect timing. a stoner towel makes his appearence again right before 420 lol
I shall be watching it. I figured it would have some marijuan reference to it. I shall also be High as a kite.
The synopsis: A Million Little Fibers (1005) A Million Little Fibers - Towelie writes his memoirs and the published work is chosen to be part of Oprah's Book Club. It'll be on at 10pm, again ad midnight and 10pm tomorrow!! Holla! edit--- and bwahh ha haah looks like they'll be ripping James Frey a new one!!
OMFG!!!!! TOWELEEEIE IS THE SHIT! Talking joints for president! edit: LMFAO!!! god there is no line they won't cross. Fabulous!
wtf...anyone else feel like this episode was almost anti-pot? they repeated the same thing about towelie coming up with bad ideas when hes stoned...then he quits and saves the day... other then that i thought it was hilarious that a vagina took people hostage haha edit: ok the end just saved their asses..i was starting to worry