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Sour Kush NYC

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Whoryder, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Picked up a Half Ounce of Sour Kush from a "new guy"... i paid 200 for a half ounce... because my original guy went to Canada for 3 weeks....





    About to light up now...
  2. nice pic quality!!
  3. i'd roll a fatty :smoke:
  4. The Kush was good... not a one hitter quitter, but def. nice.... the taste was yummy... the high was lovely!

    Part two later on tonight after work!
  5. dam i was just amazed at how cool your pics look.

    oh and the bud looks great.

  6. Thanks guys!
  7. i could be wrong but is there 2 of these threads. i just saw one that said sour kush (NY) but i could be wrong. good pick up man. smoke till ya choke lol :smoke::smoke:
  8. Yes you are right... i just deleted the other thread... i think i t hit the "Post Message" twice...

    anyhow... Kush was good last night... I need a new "Connect at nyc... i don;t get mids... i need the real stuff!

    Hit me up via PM!

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