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sour d nugs?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by gremlinbreeder, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. got these a week ago ,dealer says its sour d but i've never had sour in such tight nugs either way they are bangin!!!!!

    Attached Files:

  2. I got a few grams of some similar bud claiming to be Sour Diesel about a week ago. If it tastes right, smells right, and smokes right, I would blame poor handling. I'm no expert, however.
  3. Had Sour D once, nice high, pretty dank bud.

    Looks like you got some dank regardless of what strain it is, enjoy dude!:smoke:
  4. nice. one of my fave strains
  5. Sour D is definantly my favorite:smoke:. Looks like some nice stuff. What'd you pay and for how much?
  6. I have a Q of Sour.
    Bin' getting it for a while.

    Now first off that is not NYC Sour Diesel.
    It could be Sour Diesel though, or Super Sour Diesel.

    Does it have very strong, skunky, diesely smell almost? A sour/lemony tinge?
    Might be Cross(X) breed.

  7. just bought a slice for 50, my guy has that and jack h but switches in between bags to give it a mix and is even delivered from 20 or so miles away.
  8. #8 Deleted member 180229, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
    looks similar to sour d.

    here's a pic of some of my NYC Sour D. Notice the characteristic stacking shape of the buds..

    Attached Files:

  9. I got a Q of that.

    :hello::hello::hello::hello::hello::hello::hello: :hello: :hello::hello::hello::hello::hello::hello::hello:

  10. Word, i have about on ounce left haha. And I agree, not NYC sour D, maybe a cross with sour d.

  11. Well I know I did. But my current Q I just looked at it and im not sure if its regular sour or that. Its different. :confused:

  12. la photographe?
  13. sour d definatley reeeks of skunk and sour smell
  14. I love the shape of those buds. Tight buds are my favorite. (Not my only favorite tight thing) :p

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