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Sour Bubba Pickup

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mighnash13, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Just picked up a gram of sour bubba.
    sorry bad quality i know people are gonna say fake or shit like that i know im getting a camera this weekend so ill post better picks.

    Again sorry for the bad quality.. just look past it please.
  2. Looks a bit small. I hope it's dense.

    I bet it smells yummy.
  3. hey bro it has a sweet/sour smell to it.
    very dank.
  4. These photos are better then last time. Looks pretty good
  5. If its dense thats a fat gram bro
  6. Yeah bro they are dense.
    Shits good too i just had a bowl

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