
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by livingsoul, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. #1 livingsoul, Nov 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2009
    I am asking if anyone on here actually feel their soul

    I have possibly felt my soul perhaps about twice when I was high at certain duration

    From recalling the experience it felt like me being aware of the space within my being or of my body
  2. Ok, first you can't feel your soul by getting high, it's your sumbconscience mind creating that feeling for you. Your soul is basically what is in your body in the physicall plane were in. When your body dies ... eventually your soul leaves the physical plane and goes into a celestial realm which is a higher dimension that cannot be seen by us in the 3rd-4th dimension, and from there it goes to the source of light our god (who is made up of a group consciousness)
  3. Astral Travelling
  4. At times
  5. On acid . . . Once.

    . . . . but that may have just been the acid.
  6. I've never been able to get in tune with my soul, just by getting high, but I have been completely engulfed by it before when I almost died. Near-death experiences seems to me the only way to reach full Nirvana and no other way is possible it seems. Hopefully Noetic science will allow us to fully astral project one day, letting us in the realms of the etheral and corpreal.

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