Sort of caught by mum!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Chronic Blood, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I live at home with my parents and my 2 year older sister, and we sesh toghether on occasion and we were just chatting on fb, her saying she was hungry, and i suggested we get stoned and make something to eat, she liked the idea, no papers so i tipped my bong out the window, put it in my bag, sprayed deoderant all over the outside of the bag coz it was stinky as. then grabbed some mull dutched myself in deoderant then went downstairs... I went to her room with my shoulder bag on, turned on her light and looked up to her bed, and she didnt seem to be there, then my mum sat up in my sisters bed, and my sister wasnt there.! I was stoned! WTF!? So my eyes must have been red, smell... maybe not, i had heaps of deoderamt on, but she still could have noticed... shes familiar with weed because she did it back in her day, and would be cool with it... but i still dont want her to know! But yes... Why was she there?? I figured that my sister was at a friends place and played a joke on me, she obviously didnt know mum would be sleeping in her bed... but i told her i was stoned, and she put me at risk.

    My mum probably just woke up so wouldnt have really noticed how stoned i looked...:confused::confused:

    Still sceptical though... maybe another cone or 2 will fix that.
  2. Double you tea eff mayne??!
  3. ya about that​
  4. I read that 2 times.. I still dont get it

  5. Lol I've also read this multiple times and I still have no idea what's happening
  6. I was stoned as, sorry, bad grammar and punctuation. re post tmoz.:smoke:

  7. When yoy repost, use full words, I cant umderstand your abrev. Lingo
  8. So all I understood was that you smoke with your 2 year old sister and that you like deoderant
  9. yea bro make sense.... still funny story though when making a picture of what happened in my mind with the only words i picked up from that.... weed..... sister... in bed.... with deoderent
  10. haha.. that sounds so wrong :p
  11. The only part I understood was that your mom would be cool if she knew you smoked because she did it back in the day.

    So my question to you is, what in the mother flying fuck are you waiting for? I bet you'd save a lot of trouble by just TELLING her you do it than her finding out.
  12. Ok, I haven't been stoned in over 24hrs. So I can guarantee to write this in a sense making manor. What I was trying to write is...

    I still Live at home with my parents and sister. I was talking to my sister on Facebook. She was saying how she was quite hungry... and that I should come downstairs and have a 2am snack with her. I suggested to her we get stoned before we eat (I was already pretty baked, had just picked up some sweet ass shit that night) Anyway, I had no papers, so I tipped my bong out, chucked it in my bag and sprayed the outside of the bag with Deodorant, because it smelt like a bong, duh. Tossed my weed in my pocket along with a lighter then sprayed myself with deodorant, because I smelt like I'd been dutching a car.... I headed downstairs and went into her room. Her light was off. I turned it on, then a moment later my mum sat up in her bed... I was just like " Ohh, where's Lizzy?(my sister) " ... Mum told me she was at a friends place. I tried to act as least stoned as possible and just said goodnight, turned the light off and went to my room freaking out like a paranoid stoner. Mum would be cool with the whole weed thing, she and dad have admitted that they were flat out on pot back in the day. I would just get lectured... and I would rather my parents don't know I smoke for my own confidentiality... as they have big mouths.

    So it was plainly clear in my mind, even though I was stoned, that my sister had played a joke, getting me to waste effort coming downstairs, what kind of shit joke is that? She didn't know mum was in her bed... It's still unclear why she was there. But Mum hasn't said anything so im happy.

    I'd like to restate that I was trashed when I originally posted the thread, I was smoking some strong shit, that gave me the most intense mental high. I thought I was making perfect sense to be honest... The story wasn't even worth posting... But still, that clears it all up.

  13. I'll sound like an idiot seeing as I was almost caught by her on the weekend... but I'm an absolute artist at hiding my smoking habits from my parents. I live in a small, 3 bedroom house and if I wanted I could smoke all day every day without them knowing . Even go make food, talk to them stoned or whatever :) Neither parents will find out by the time I move out.

  14. I still don't know why your 2 year old sister is smoking weed and chilling on facebook :confused:

  15. Dude, chill... I never said "2 years old" I said "2 Year older" She's 2 years older than me. I would never give a 2 year old weed. LOL!

  16. Hahaha, that makes sense than :smoke:

    Is your sister hot??

    Nah, I'm just kidding man


  17. Haha, I'm quite use to the question. Through a strange friendship loop, we end up knowing the same people, or going to parties with people each other know, So I'm use to hearing, hey your the little brother of the smoking hot chick or whatever. I've even had one mate say directly to me "So... Bro to bro, your sister has a REALLY nice rack man" - All cool though, as long as its with good intentions :smoke:

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