Sorry, I have to rant... When will people stand up and say no to bullshit laws?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Xeonex, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. I believe I have the right to smoke something natural that obviously makes me feel at peace and having a fucking blast than I would sober. Honestly I'm ready for marijuana to be legal, why is it illegal in the first place?..

    My job has random drug testing, and I stopped for the first 2 months I was there, and I don't really care anymore... This is my life, my mind, my body, and I enjoy fucking doing what I do. Why do we have to live in a world where free-will and free-thinking seems to have conflict with most of the world today. We obviously have free-will and personal likes and dislikes? I honestly feel like a robot being programmed what to do and not do, but that's getting tiring.

    Why should other people tell you what you should put/do to your body when it doesn't belong to them in the first place? One of the things why I can't stand being sober, listening to bullshit, worrying about the consequences, and automatically repeating it in your head when you hear it over and over, because that's how your subconscious works.

    You ever get the feeling you feel like a fucking puppet because that's exactly how I felt most of my life, it's time to cut the strings off. I hope one day in the future or very soon, free thinkers that accepts others opinions and beliefs will stand up and say no to bullshit laws. (Some laws need to be in place, but that's common sense.) Arresting people and fining them for a little bag of green shit that comes out of the ground naturally, seriously What the FUCK. Tons of money going towards useless shit that obviously won't stop people from doing what they fucking enjoy.

    You wonder why the economy is going to shit and no jobs are getting acquired...
  2. You don't even want to know how deep your slavery runs

    It's sad how weed-users are the ones who get burned the most by drug tests. All that other stuff doesn't even stay in your system for that long
  3. this one made me really laugh!....:D
  4. #4 Shankmasterflex, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2011
    It's the man, man!
    Fuck the system!

  5. The same day people stand up and begin to express their voice in government.

    But they won't, cause they'll vote for the candidate that drops the major cash on his campaign whose name you won't stop hearing.

    And he got that cash cause he's got major connects, and he's gonna get more connects, and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

    The people in power make a living off of being in power. They're not representing shit.
  6. My thoughts exactly man. What we need is an uprising, have every pot smoker in the country start smoking when and wherever they please. It it gets to be epidemic levels of arrests and imprisonments costing the taxpayers millions just over some weed maybe we'd gain a wider concensus with the population that nonviolent activities that do not harm others rights should never be punished.
    Just a thought..,

  7. or they would say weed is "becoming an epidemic and we need to try harder to get rid of it" lol. that would SUCK.

    i dont follow laws i dont agree with. not anything super bad like murder or rape or anything like that, but i follow what i deem logical.

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