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Sorry, but do I qualify?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by dreamchaser, Oct 10, 2010.

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  1. I'm really sorry if theres another post somewhere in this forum that answers my question, but can I get my card for Anxiety and Depresssion in California? I'm new to this forum so I looked at the Do I qualify thread and I guess you can't but I've heard of people who have legally gotten their med card for depression and mental issues. I've been smoking just for a couple of years mostly as medication for my lingering anxiety problems. I am diagnosed with Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Bipolar, and a bunch of other things, half of which I don't think are even true. But I used to have very severe anxiety and depression and have quite a history with mental hospitals and psych wards. I'm finally chilling out now but I'm still on a bunch of meds. I'm hoping I can stop my meds or at least some of them, and just stick to smoking since it's helped me so much the past couple years. But my psychiatrist is against it. What can I do now? Should i/Can I apply for a card? Thanks so much guys!
  2. Did you take a pill at all in your life for your symptoms mentioned that go on and on?

    If so, that is what happens to people like you; You take a pill for one thing, get a withdrawl from not using the pill, and get another problem for another pill which does the same thing.

    I say talk to your doctor, because you aren't supposed to use anything man-made, like McDonalds or Viagra. Everything you need comes from the earth, not animals or laboratories.

    Pills kill.
    Cannabis handles it.

    Your doctor may TRY to make you use a pill, but refuse them and don't leave until you get an answer as to why you need a pill compared to something that already exists.
  3. If it helps you, it helps you. :)
    Perhaps you should consider seeking out a more cannabis friendly psychiatrist who can work with you more effectively on combining prescription medications and cannabis for the best effect.
  4. Yeah...maybe I should. I'll try to look around for a more cannibis friendly doctor =) but do i qualify to even get a med card in Cali? Will they understand my circumstances?
  5. You're good, just get copies of your records to take to the clinic (that you go to for your rec.)

    Medical Marijuana Program

  6. ^^^^^^^^Right Again^^^^^^^^^^^:D
  7. Please read te sitcky thread entitled "Do You Qualify"
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