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sore throat

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Riverview, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. so i have a fucking painfully sore throat , my tonsils are big and inflamed and it hurts to swallow , i really want to get baked but is that going to be worse for my throat?
  2. it might get drier a little more but you'll forget about the sore throat once your baked :smoke:

  3. A tip could be to eat some HALLS or other throat Incapacitating sweets.. you can get them at your local market for almost nothing..
  4. Maybe take a hit from a bong or bubbler that won't be so harsh on your throat.
  5. If you must smoke, drink a lot of water in the process. (Ice in bong works well)

    Good Luck,
  6. Try Edibles?
  7. Yes. It will mess your throat up a little.

    How are you smoking? Try to avoid joints/blunts. Ideally, take multiple small bong hits. This will minimize any discomfort.

    Keep drinking, and suck on a sweet or chew some gum and swallow regularly.
  8. Listirine in your bong water :D soothing sensation... make sure it's a very low ratio.

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