Yeah so yesterday I smoke a bowl in my car, put my shit in my pocket and my headphones. Anyway so I hang out in this little empty park I hang out in (the coolest place ever, no one's ever there and there's a creek and grass and a hammok and ducks and.... good stuff) Anyway on my walk back to my car what should I come across but my weed, lying on the sidewalk, where anyone could have picked it up. It sat there for like an hour without anyone seeing it. And once again a catastrophe is avoided.
What makes you think you're any older than me? Is it inconceivable that an adult could comment on an old ass thread? For someone who wants to be sneaky, you sure don't seem very clever
Dude, whatever your problem with me is, I honestly don't care about it. There's an IGNORE option where you never have to see another post from me again. Either use it or don't, but your bullshit is silly.
??? I don't have a problem with you lol. You came in here being rude to me so I said something back. Wtf