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Soon to be smoker questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xDS, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. #1 xDS, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    Ok, I am a total newbie at smoking period. This will be the first time for me smoking. My friend is hooking me up with a dime of Northern Lights and a dutch for me to roll inside. He said he won't give it to me now and says he wants to surprise me with it when I least expect it (fucked up right)? Anyways, how do I inhale? Will I most likely fuck up the dutch when rolling my first time? How do I mask the smell from my mom since I still live with her and is NL a good strain for a newbie?

    EDIT: I will be smoking outside.
  2. Lets practice inhaling. Open your mouth, breath in, and then exhale. You're going to do the same exact thing with the blunt, except instead of opening your mouth, you're going to imagine you're sucking on a weed infused straw. As for rolling the blunt, it could go both ways. If you search this forum, I believe there are a few really good tutorials posted. Or you could always look at a youtube video. Masking the smell won't really be possible with a blunt, as they continually burn. You could however, create a sploof, which you exhale through to mask the smell, tons of tutorials of that online too. Northern lights is gonna hit you like a freight train if you've never smoked before, so I suggest being in a chill place where you can sit, get couch-locked, and just relax and ride it out.
  3. Pretty much anything will get you fucked if you've never done it before.

    You inhale the same way you would breathe air. When you take your mouth away though, try to breathe in some fresh air on top of it and hold it for 3-5 seconds.

    As for the smell, do it outside. Or bring some body spray, but that might seem a little suspicious to your mom.
  4. Welcome to the cool side:cool:

    Odds are your not getting northern lights unless your friend here knows the grower personally.

    Secondly,yes you will fuck up rollin your first blunt haha, I recommend going up to the gas station and buying a whole pack or 2.

    To inhale off a blunt you suck the smoke into your mouth and when you remove the blunt from your lips just take a normal breath in through your mouth...youll know when you do it right.

    Lastly since you don't know how to inhale Im assuming you don't smoke cigs so you might get super lightheaded possibly even puke from the blunt shell having all that tobacco in it because your not used to it.

    Good luck though and make sure to update with your experience

    P.S: sometimes people don't get high there first time so dont get disappointed if you dont get baked.
  5. I suggest having him roll it for you, I can almost guarantee that if you have never rolled or practiced rolling before then the L will be a failure.
  6. LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW. Your first time can either be awesome or downright horrifying. For me unfortunately, it was the latter. I smoked WAY too fast, and I wound up going from zero to totally fucked up in maybe three minutes. I wasn't ready for it, and it was a disastrous experience. I suffered intense paranoia, and essentially had a prolonged episode of horrifying depersonalization that lasted throughout the entire high. The paranoia compounded everything, and it was a snowball effect.

    THC affects your thought patterns in a way that nobody can accurately describe to you. You just have to experience it for yourself. Make no mistake...herb is harmless, however it's perceived effect on your mind and body can be very powerful and intense.

    Please take my advise. Take it easy. Take a hit. Don't hold it in, just inhale and exhale. Wait a few minutes. See how you feel. Take another hit. Repeat process. Do this for a while, and don't rush yourself. Let the feeling slowly build up. Relax, and clear your mind. If you experience any anxiety, stop. If in the rare instance that you experience any type of paranoia, just take some deep breaths and relax. It's good to have someone with you who you're comfortable with as well, and who's a seasoned smoker.

    Luckily for me, I was very young so my first negative experience didn't deter me from trying it again. I'm just the type of person who gets paranoid and has panic attacks if I get too ripped too quickly. The problem with weed is, you have no idea if you're the "type" of person who needs to smoke slowly. I'm speaking from experience here that you don't wanna find that out the hard way. Just take my advice.
  7. #7 SmotPoker29, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    fuck that shit. get ripped. :smoke:

    edit: sorry, i feel bad because you'll probably hack up a lung.
    take it slow and i suggest you get someone to roll for you. if you fuck up a dutch, the smoke can taste disgusting. small pulls, if you have to out the blunt and take some time out - do so. smoke responsibly, or not ;)
  8. I wouldn't recommend smoking a blunt for your first time....or ever, since tobacco is...well bad. Also, you can check out my guide to stealth smoking (click the link in my signature). If I were you, I would go to the gas station and buy a pack of papers and cigarettes, practice rolling with a couple cigarettes then when you feel comfortable roll your joint and smoke up bud. Should be a good time, inhale and hold it in for a second or two. The myth that people don't get high their first time is just that, a myth. The reason this myth came about is because people who don't get high their first time do not inhale instead they just hold it in their mouth and start hacking.

    Anyways, I wish you the best of luck on your first time, and just relax and go with it don't fight it man.
  9. One of us, one of us.. hahahah

    Northen Lights fucks my shit up and ive been smoking for a while.
    Just inhale like you inhale air.
    Go outside, dont smoke inside until youre more comfortable and know what youre doing. but never smoke blunts inside. ever.
    Ask your friend to roll it, cause more than likely youll fuck up rolling it.

    Ohh, and learn to stop the burn of the blunt because with Northern Lights youll probably be face fucked before you finish the whole blunt.

    Good luck though! Tell us how it goes.

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