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soo just got my first bong.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sgarc3, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. 21 inch acrylic. cant wait to get blasted!!!! :D
  2. Enjoy it man and take one for me while your at it.
  3. will do so ma dude havent smoked in a month and im a light weight gunna blaze later then watch archer. yeahhhh buddy!!
  4. Give us a picture brah
  5. sorry dude dont have anything to snap a pic right now

  6. welp then, snap the next best thing
    a b-load:cool:
  7. archer hell yea dude, might have to do the same myself haha
  8. [quote name='"sgarc3"']21 inch acrylic. cant wait to get blasted!!!! :D[/quote]

    Given it a name yet man?
  9. Arylic? I would have an 8 inch glass over 21 inch acrylic. Anyways have fun with your first bong! Get your favorite movie and do like 2 bowls, since its a new device you'll get highest you've been in a while
  10. Archer is great when your hilarious
  11. acrylics arent bad. that shit will never break, its easily portable, and if it gets lost or stolen you shouldnt be out too much money.

    get a pic up soon homie, we needa see that shit. in a couple of years when you have upgraded many pieces and are smoking expensive pieces and you hit your ol first bong, its a dope feeling.
  12. hmm never named a peice before
  13. Gotta name your pieces bro... :p

    Haven't named one of my pipes, or really any of the 4 yet. My MFLB is named... it's offensive so I will not post it though. Those are the pieces I have.
  14. Take a hit for me ;)

  15. thank jebus, i dont understand naming inanimate objects, never have.....
  16. [quote name='"bp4er"']

    thank jebus, i dont understand naming inanimate objects, never have.....[/quote]

    Sometimes the names can have meanings. Like one night me and 5 people were smoking in my garage and we smoked out of this new bowl I got and we all got ripped. One of the kids, who was new to smoking got super ripped and he was like "damn, that pipe destroyed me" and we all chuckled, and someone said "destroyed by the destroyer". I named it "the destroyer" after that event. Pretty much my only only piece named besides my bubbler, but that's another even more long and retarded story.
  17. [quote name='"sgarc3"']will do so ma dude havent smoked in a month and im a light weight gunna blaze later then watch archer. yeahhhh buddy!![/quote]

    Archer is amazing when your blazed..

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