Sonoran Hotdog

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by papajesus, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. If you're ever in the Tucson/Phoenix AZ area, get yourself a "Sonoran Hotdog". You'll see small hotdog stands in random city areas (they're everywhere) -- if it's a Mexican working there, it's a Sonoran hotdog... guaranteed.

    This beast is:
    - A hotdog wrapped in bacon
    - Pinto beans
    - Fried Onions & Fresh Onions
    - Pico de Gallo (diced tomatoes & cilantro)
    - Mayo, Mustard & Jalapeño salsa
    - Also (not on this pic): Hot sauce, Cheese, Guacamole & Mushrooms
    - All on a buttered/grilled mexican bun... delicious

    + reppin' for anyone who thinks this is as amazing as I do. I go to this stand at least twice a week. $2.25 + $1.50 for a mexican coke (they use cane sugar instead of artificial crap... so much better tasting). Mmmmmm.

  2. that looks/sounds so fucking good
  3. looks gross...sounds orgasmic
  4. looks gross? :( looks as good as it tastes IMO, but i might just have an eye for mexican food lol.
  5. I don't doubt its good. It just looks like congealed mess in the picture, plus you can't see the meat at all so it looks like a pile of goop.

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