what's a song that reminds you of being high/smoking? for me it's Of Moons, Birds & Monsters by MGMT, one night i had just picked up some of the best weed ive ever laid eyes on, it was so hairy and caked with crystals, and it smelled like a motherfucker. i decided to toke up that night and i probably tripped the hardest ive ever tripped, it was awesome. it just so happens that this song was playing and i tripped even harder, so every time i hear this song it reminds me of that night. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6HXS11l4sw"]YouTube- Of Moons, Birds & Monsters - MGMT - Album[/ame] (sorry for the shitty quality)
Whenever I go to my buddies he has PGroove emanating out of his speakers. I fucking love this tune. Put some headphones in and just groove..just groove. Beautiful [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYSlTPrVQ5A&feature=related]YouTube - Perpetual Groove - Three Weeks[/ame]
Thank you sir, as I like your taste as well. My old roomate played " Electric Feel " one time while we were shrooming and I splooged . Now I have their album . Indie Rokkers is my new favorite song of theirs. " Jason's got the energy, used to be a coke fiend "
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cws04arjzp0]YouTube - Styles P ft. Swizz Beatz - Blow My Mind[/ame]