Today I was happy to finally be getting some mas wax cause I was basically out. I also needed to get a new coil for my gpen. I checked my bank account at about 1pm and it was perfect. I got an email from my bank about possible delayed charges happening today but mine was fine so I paid it no mind. Fast forward to about 5:30 and my friend and I and chillin in his living room drinking some beers waiting for the wax man to hit us back up. I randomly decided to check my bank account again and low and behold I have no money...and not only that I have a negative balance. I was pissed. I needed to get money from my account in order to get my wax. It had to be a mistake. I would know if I had pending things that never went through. So I called them, I got to a person relatively fast which was nice. I told them what happened and they immediately saw that a bill I paid months ago just hit today. I was so mad. I was even angrier when he told me there was nothing he could do. I would probably never do this in person but I said fuck it to myself and said "Can I speak to a supervisor." They said sure but they could do nothing either but I held firm and asked to talk to a supervisor. A supervisor eventually came on the line some time later and I told him my predicament. He also said there was really nothing he could do. Now im sure most people would stop here but I said fuck it and basically told him that it was bullshit that im getting charged now ( of all fucking days when I had to get wax!) for a transaction that occurred months ago. He agreed with me and said he'll see if he can do something. I was on hold for a while....... The friends I was with we're telling me how I was fucked and I pretty much believed the same thing. He was probably just helping another person while he had me on hold and would come back and tell me there was nothing he could do. He finally came back and surprisingly had good news. He could reverse the transaction for now but it would go through again in three weeks. That was fine by me so I thanked him hung up and was able to get my oil. so sometimes it pays off to be annoying especially if you're not even face to face! lmao Happy Dabs all
I don't trust banks anymore. BofA and wells fargo both ripped me off by rushing through some checks and bouncing them on purpose about 1 hour before my direct deposit posted. I use cash now. I have a home fireproof vault. Fuck banks. Banks are destroying the USA.
I always escalate shit like that, especially with telecom companies over the phone. Their trick is to leave you on hold for long enough that you'll give up and hang up, and in my experience, just being stubborn and staying on the line is a successful way to get what you want. I sat on hold once for more than hour after the phone company charged me outlandish fees that I was told I wouldn't be charged. They were well within their right to charge me those fees, and I had to ask to "speak to your manager" again and again and again, but the second I reached that top tier of management someone came on the line and waived everything. Being polite helps too. Nobody wants to help an asshole.
Why on earth would you blame the bank for a transaction you authorized? I guess I don't understand why it's the bank's fault... I also don't believe BofA rushed checks thru for the purpose bouncing them. Checks are presented throughout the day, and unless they know a deposit is coming in, they make the decision about returning them once a day. Do you really think a bank the size of BofA is doing that just to piss off customers?
They did that shit to my mom, they'd post all transactions like right before her check would go in the bank. Like 10-15 charges, we were thinking about switching to Wells Fargo but they do the same shit? Edit-I forgot they'd also do the negative balance charge shit which is 30 dollars and they'd stack that shit up.
Im not really blaming them but I've had so many transactions since then. I didn't realize that never went through. They new they had a problem they should of delayed the posting of the transactions until they let us no or something like that idk It was my ex girlfriend's phone bill idgaf about that
Yes wells fargo does it too. They do it because they can get away with it legally. But that does not stop me from closing my account and taking my business elsewhere......
But once you authorize a transaction, it's not the banks fault if it doesn't go thru right away. How was the bank supposed to know it was going to happen? I'm trying to understand this...were they not just posting the transactions in the order they came in? I grant you that banks don't HAVE to do it that way, but in todays "no float" digital age, most banks post as things come in. I'm not defending the big banks. Go find a small bank that posts deposits first, or will refund charges. They are out there.
My direct deposit is at 12:01 am the 1st and the 15th of every month. I deposit some checks at 9 pm and in less than 3 hours, THEY RUSH THE CHECKS THROUGH AND BOUNCE THEM ALL. Shitty customer service.
You deposited checks that got bounced? Huh? I'm lost, sorry. Sounds like or was a bad deal. Sorry man. Big banks suck.
Yes they did that, because legally, they can get away with it. But i still call bullshit customer service. They could have looked at my DD record and waited 3 hours. But no, those fuckers rushed them through and bounced them all. BOFA and wells fargo did it. I have heard that credit unions are the way to go now.
But you deposited checks at 9 pm that got bounced? You mean you wrote checks on your account at 9 pm and they hit before midnight, right? I did checks (or e transactions, for that matter) come thru so quick. Banks can't really rush shit like's all about when they are presented. I agree that it's poor customer service. But I'm not understanding quite how that's even possible. a former banker I'm trying to figure out this situation.
No. I had no money in the bank at the time that I wrote the checks. In 3 hours the money, plus more would be there. But the bankers rushed them through. And I deposted them through an outside teller machine!!! So there were bankers inside the bank still working after bankers hours which do not make sense.
I'm so fucking confused! You wrote the checks. Then you deposited them thru an outside teller machine? Into a different account? Or for somebody else? I'm trying to understand how you "deposited" checks that were drawn on your account and caused an overdraft... Oh well, regardless, I will agree with you that those big banks suck!
Ok I had bills to pay. Utility bills. I would write a check for the amount, but the money was not there to pay, so they bounced it. I had to pay overdraft charges which wiped me out and pissed me off royally.
Ok. Regardless of the timeline, I get what you are saying. And you are right, od charges can be terrible. My little branch bank could generate 20k in od charges a month; think about what the big banks make off of them. Banks have found that they can charge whatever they want for overdrafts. Bad deal.