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Somethings not right

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sandmaster420, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So I have this friend whos a beginner, only smoked 3 times. With him the other night when he hit a 3 liter GB we made, I know its huge. I was smoking my own blunt because thats all I smoke but the bud in the 3 liter was real shitty stuff, bought it from some random black guy on the corner. But fast forward 3 days and he says hes still feeling fucked up. He says that his feet and hands are often numb and sometimes he cant balance. The bud was called "Angles Sand" so idk, what I was thinking in the back of my mind was Angle Dust, thats what they lace bud with. So I wanted some second opinions on what you think was up with the buds, was it laced with PCP like angle dust is? or do you think my friend is just stupid. Also if it was laced what can I do to help him?
    Thanks in advance (not sure if this is in the right category but its only my second post)
  2. Man Im here for your second post too lol
    Yeah wrong section, but whatever, even if it was laced im pretty sure it wouldnt fuck him for 3 days unless it was Belladonna, and if it was hed be far more fucked up/dead

  3. hey thanks chack for being here for me! lol but yeah hes pretty stuptd about smoking he took 7 hits this morning and said hes felling better, idk. Yesterday he was about ready to tell his parents about how he felt and go to the hospital, but I stopped him.
  4. #4 tharedhead, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010

    If he continues to have problems he can talk to his parents or go to the hospital and describe his symptoms without including his cannabis use. If this was his first attack of multiple sclerosis it would be nice to catch it:)
    Just because something happens around the time you smoked, does not mean that smoking has anything to do with it....dude could have a sinus infection or...
  5. #5 chackalacka, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Oh thats true, you should look up his symptoms on like a medical site or somthing like that
  6. Angel dust is slang for pcp, and I doubt he was smoking bud laced with pcp or he would of been way more fucked up that night not three days later.

    You guys sound like some real *young* amateur tokers.

  7. Hey im just saying his side of the story, he hasnt smoked much. Ive been smoking for 7 years and I thought he was a dumbass when he told me about it. No need to judge man peace.
  8. Man after my third time smoking, i didn't feel sober for about 4 days afterwards. I also had a bad cold but that went away after about 2 days and i still didn't feel normal. I've heard of this happening to other new smokers too.
  9. I wouldnt say its not normal to feel odd a little while after you just smoked weed, especially if your body isnt really used it. It can be a little overwhelming.

    Also seeing if your bud is laced or not is not that hard, you should be able to tell, and if you cant you should by how it taste or feels, or just tell from the high if you start to feel jacked up or something ther could be something in it. But for example if someone laced bud with coke im pretty sure alot of people would be able to tell just by looking at it.

  10. I have no idea what to do with him I just gonna keep getting real stoned all the time and not worry about it. But the thing is my friend says hes gonna get the cops involved with the "angle sand". I know who isnt my friend anymore...
  11. WOW thats a dick move right their. How long were you guys friends?
  12. angel sands was just a name dude made up on the spot. Also dont be buying from a dude on a corner. Y would some shitty as bud be a strain. Your friend is just experince so effects and i would say its 99% in his head.

  13. Not very long its more like hes good friends with this group of dumb asses that I hang out with sometimes. Thats why I always just smoke blunts to the head (I am right now), I hate dealing with this BS
  14. first of all nobody is gonna lace cannabis with a form of opiate such as pcp or w/e
    i mean why the hell would they? that shit costs more than cannabis itself,
    no dealer is gonna sell u something laced with an opiate and charge you the same.

    i mean if ur buying a dub and it's like 20 bucks, it's common sense. now let's say a dub was like 60 bucks. different story.

    kids watch to much dave chapelle and don't even know what pcp is, btw your friend involving the cops is a idiot that can't handle chronic.
  15. If your friend was feeling really itchy and was halluconating, it was pcp.

  16. hey made a third thread you gonna be there for it, its a good one! lol
  17. umm dawg i know pcp can get you like a hangover so it might cause sumone to have sum slowdown a couple of days after and so does cough syrup so unless he wus drinkin sum syrup i think it might of been pcp

  18. thats what I was thinkin. But who knows he could have had cough syrup thinking it was cool aid or something

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