Something eating my Hashberry?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by WhyNotSmoke, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Attached Files:

    • leaf.JPG
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      116.5 KB
  2. further on this one, really getting worried. If you see this ganjaguerilla, I was looking at your website, and the third picture in you bug/insect section, the one displaying spidermite eggs closeup resembles a bit a closeup through my microscope on the leaf, so if its completely impossible that what I'm seeing through my microscope is just tiny trichomes, then i might have spidermites invading my precious closet?
  3. sider mites spotting is generally more confined to an area or even a few leaves

    your plant has the white spots way more scattered, I dont think you have anything to worry about , keep a close eye, and even better Neem Oil is a great preventative aswell as a treatment
  4. thx for fast reply ganjauerilla, I know I might be a bit hasty, but I would really like to avoid any bugs throughout my grow, so got a little scared observing that particular leaf, so I will try to get my hands on some neem oil just as a precausion. And yes those white spots dont look to be anything organic, might be ittle pieces of white paint from my closet, I don't know. Would be better if I could get some macroshots, but my camera ain't to good at those. But if i through magnifying 100X with my microscope can spot little round transparent and a little white round "growth" is it completely impossible that those are just very small trichomes?

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