Something Crazy I have realized

Discussion in 'General' started by ATripp420, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. I smoke so much greeeeen that being high is actually regular and when im regular its like im high because im baked so often :smoke:

    yall feeel me!
  2. Obligatory cool story bro.jpg
  3. That is by far the craziest thing I have ever read.
  4. Stop that.
  5. I know im on day 2 of my t break and i feel like a million bucks!
  6. Samzies.

    But now when I smoke a little bit I get baked and when I smoke a lot I lose my high.

    Its fackin crazy.
  7. doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

    that's insane
  8. i smoked a couple bowls n spit and my vibes are telling me everyone doesnt think thats crazy, pick on the new guy. anyone like the movie minority report. Im watching that know and dont understand how random people can tell the future
  9. ^^^ :laughing: Wanna try that again man? :smoke:
  10. haha sorry broski. OKay in Minority Report, there are 3 people that lay in water and they some how tell the future. I was just wondering where they came from randomly how they were found and just what exactly they are? (in the movie of course) i understand the movie just not exactly what they are and where they are from and how they got their ability n shiottt
  11. Sounds like you can save a lot of money...
  12. this thread is fantastic

    A+ chap
  13. you guys never seen minority report? come on now the creepy future seeing creepos that lay in a bath the whole time. WHATTT ARE THEY!
  14. I'm the same way
  15. yea broski, you seen minority report? hey Im done with classes for the week due to the crazy fact that i just found out my 3 classes on thursday got cancelled n shiott. Ima snack on this half 8th of boomers ive been saving for a beautiful moment like this.
  16. and thank god cuz my english teacher is a night hawk grade killer who hates TV and Pot. I dread her class everyday and she hates me cuz the first day of class my celll phone went off and it was Burn one Down. FML

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