Someone present a legit argument for anarchy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tokeabowl11, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. I don't hate it. It's just a worthless piece of paper that legitimizes a permanent government.

    Every person has a right to life, liberty, and property? How do you own the earth? Weren't African slaves people? Weren't women people?

    Just because they have legal rights now does not mean they were originally in mind when the Constitution was invented.
  2. a lot of very smart people on this thread. :smoking:

  3. The government is not stupid its just corrupt as fuck.
  4. from my understanding, anarchy is the natural way of living. its all bout survival of the fittest...just like real life. i dont support it, but it does seem logical to some extent.
  5. anarchy is all about living together as one, not survival of the fittest. anarchy is the purest form of "commune"-ism with (ideally) no class or wealth

    In nature we do see survival of the fittest and ensuring that an individual animal gets the most benefit, however this establishment of roles and rankings is actually the opposite of anarchy

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