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Someone Left Something on My Doorstep

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by blahblah123, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. Hey blades,

    Been a while since I posted anything on here, but I felt like sharing this with you all.

    I think someone left a heroin pipe on my front porch. There was a tinfoil 'blunt' with a single, black ash/brown residue on it, and I'm sorry if this is inappropriate.

    It was 5 AM this morning and someone was ringing my doorbell; I'm very sure it was at least 2-3 people and they rang my bell about 5 times over a course of a couple minutes when I didn't get up to investigate.

    I doubt the culprit is here of course, i just thought I could gain some insight from SOMEBODY, or at least it was entertaining. :smoke:

    There seem to be a lot of minority kids around here, and many of them seem low-medium income. I really doubt someone is targeting me, but someone also had gotten into my unlocked car and stole ~$5 worth of coins.

    Go figure.
  2. please don't come to our wonderful forum and post vulgar drug stories...

    JK, but this is a pot forum and we dont allow discussion of other drugs

    welcome to the city.

    now back on topic:

    i bet they were high as hell and just fucking with you OP lol
  3. I was here when they allowed discussion of other stuff, but I'm just sharing a story and not actually talking about usage.

    You're probably right, and that's why I'm not concerned.
  4. Invest in a scary dog?
  5. Damn you joined in 2009 and you posted today. That is crazy
  6. #6 fourtwozer0, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
    there wouldn't be ash if someone was smoking heroin out of that tin foil.

    it was more than likely some kids that smoked weed out of it. Thinking " How funny would it be to leave a weed pipe on someones door step "

    and here you are thinking it's a bunch of low-medium income dope head minorities lmao

    really though, it's probably just a harmless prank.
    as for the missing change , you shoulda probably locked your car if you live in that kinda area.
  7. Sounds like you have a serious case of crack fiends... i had to deal with these fuckers when i was in Vancouver... just get a car alarm a bat and don't be afraid to bust some balls
  8. [quote name='"blahblah123"']Hey blades,

    Been a while since I posted anything on here, but I felt like sharing this with you all.

    I think someone left a heroin pipe on my front porch. There was a tinfoil 'blunt' with a single, black ash/brown residue on it, and I'm sorry if this is inappropriate.

    It was 5 AM this morning and someone was ringing my doorbell; I'm very sure it was at least 2-3 people and they rang my bell about 5 times over a course of a couple minutes when I didn't get up to investigate.

    I doubt the culprit is here of course, i just thought I could gain some insight from SOMEBODY, or at least it was entertaining. :smoke:

    There seem to be a lot of minority kids around here, and many of them seem low-medium income. I really doubt someone is targeting me, but someone also had gotten into my unlocked car and stole ~$5 worth of coins.

    Go figure.[/quote]

    sounds like a pipe... weird
  9. wtf is a tinfoil blunt
  10. o noes 5 bucks in change :eek:

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